What do u think is the next moonshot?

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Fuzz, mtv, utk, one


Tg: Easter cheems

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Uncle Aloysius's Famous Triiiple Strength Bull Run Syrum Formula

Rice, Gas, Gold, Guns

It's literally glimpse nft and 99% of people here are too fucking retarded to see it. They think it's some retarded protocol or some other cutty cutter fuckery that's been done to death.

In reality the next big thing for crypto is something that's not only big for crypto but big for normies and that's Glimpse NFT.

It's a social media app that combines the features of instagram, tiktok and opean sea so that users can connect, create but the kicker is that they can mint NFT's of their creations whether it's a video or photo and sell/auction them on the app for the native token (GLMS). They're also waiting on wyre to integrate with BSC so that normies can buy GLMS with fiat because they have nfi how crypto works.

I don't know how to spell that out any clearer for the dumb fuck morons here throwing money at cat and dog coins and everything else.. You literally have an instagram, Facebook and tiktok killer - decentralised Web 3.0 social media with the ability for users to mint NFTs of anything including NSFW shit.

Every mother fucking person who has ever heard the word NFT is going to jump on it because it's simple to do and that in turn will propel it to levels that'll make shib and doge look like pocket change. The full app launches in under two weeks and you can currently test it yourself.

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easter cheems lfgggggg

why metis? redpill me?

Fuck you nigger

Check it out

>What do u think is the next moonshot?
following my research into TXA, I have concluded it is one of the project to look out for

DeFido, easy x10 at least from where it is now when they roll out the V3 contract and rebranding being facilitated by a PR firm that worked with Netflix.

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ARC maybe? fuck if i know.

spool has been on my watchlist for months. I'm positive that it's the future of defi.

what is it exactly about?

the project is building a dex platform which can be adopted by any type of exchange for peer-to-peer settlements without challenges

Clearly Frogex

Unironically moonbeam

NFTs are clearly taking over. They're like the new, cool kids on the 'block-chain'. Digital ownership is big of a deal rn, it should be embraced in full.

based metaverse tokens.

projects with actual use case; gaming, voting, staking, all of that.

metis. if you know, you know

whatever you think it is. just dont buy shit on bsc network...