Why do i feel theres always mucus in the back of my throat or something and my voice sounds like i have a plugged nose...

why do i feel theres always mucus in the back of my throat or something and my voice sounds like i have a plugged nose because of it

how to fix

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That's cum.

Don't drink so much

i drink too little

Stop smoking

i dont do that either

Corona. Go get a swab test done immediately no joke.

stop consuming dairy you are not a baby cow

been like this for a long time before corona

Same for me, went to doctors and they didnt find anything

Saline rinse

drink moar and watch your health recover in hours

You have cystic fibrosis

Smoke weed and do a couple dabs every few hours. Check back in the morning

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anyone else have this issue of constant gagging because of saliva stuck in the throat? i consume a lot of caffeine which is when it also occurs. searched it up and it says something about dry heaves? i cant fucking focus on my trading

u tried ramadan?

Bad air
Poisoned water
Dust build up from not cleaning that gets airborne by PC fans
You didnt run this morning to clear out the toxins of the weekend
You didnt drink one morning plum brandy shot to burn it all down

might be acid reflux, GERD
might be asthma
source: i got both

You are infected. We all are.
It't not COVID, but something else.

is that you zach?

Attached: file.png (512x512, 141.43K)

Same thing with me. Started 2 years ago. I'm fairly certain there's some unknown virus spreading throughout the entire population. Very little symptoms so most people don't notice it.

I had the same thing, doctor called it bacterial streptococcus or something. Most helpful things were cardio and nasal spray

I think it just has to do with different lifestyles we have nowadays. We are breathing a significant lot more of other people's dead skin and also get more often subjugated to stress. I had to quit my job because the stress was making the nasal bacteria unbearable

too little or too much humidity in your living area, and/or allergies, and/or GERD, and/or dehydration

I just read up on what you posted here and it sounds a lot like that. Maybe mask or something brought it on, who knows. Good to hear it's pretty much harmless though.