What's the point in financially destroying normal russian citizens? It really sounds insane to me

What's the point in financially destroying normal russian citizens? It really sounds insane to me.

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If you haven't noticed, everybody's gone insane over the last 5 years

Jews sacrifice goyim all the time, what seems insane is now the norm. Don't forget, we're on the cusp of a Shemitah. Nearly everthing is planned destruction, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

They’re trying to push the average Russian citizen to take down the government


Genocide my friend, we are too much for earth now, vax, war, prepare for "(((aliens))) shooting people from space" with the spacex stuffs and random military satellites.
The npc already owns nothing and happy"it is the price of freedom" bla bla, fucking kids will never wake up, but maybe thats a good thing and the globohomo niggers will stop the overpopulation somehow.

This. Glowies doing their usual thing.

This. Mentioned mastercard suspending service in russia to a friend earlier. Dude now thinks I'm defending putin or whatever. This and covid was just the beginning. People will be at each others throat end of decade

Its the modern day equivalent of burning the peasant fields and somehow everybody is ok with it.

>they're trying to push the average russian citizen who doesn't have strong opinions one way or the other into a seething lifelong hatred of the west

why the fuck would I get mad at putin when it's western establishments freezing all my accounts and making my life hell just for being born in russia.

People are fucking retarded
I hope Earth gets turned into a prison planet because humanity doesn't deserve to pollute another celestial body

The idea is to make life so shitty for Russians that they rise up and get rid of Putin. All it takes is one dude to lose his shit and pop him. However, Stalin sent 50 million Russians to their deaths in World War II and no one stopped him, so it might not work.

It's laughable to think that it'll work
I'll eat my words if it does, but I wouldn't be getting pissed at Putin if I was Russian

Oh boi we will killed each others long ago, before we even shoot niggers into space. Dont have to worry about the cancer called human race!

Because there is no need for war. Russia needs to be made an example of.

The beginning of solving our problems

Attached: i hope it happens too.png (1669x957, 845.75K)

Kek, all this is only making Putin stronger.

To any Russianons in the thread, start making friends with Pajeets and Chinese. They might be some of the only people able to export food and commodities to you in the near future. You can become king of the Soviet-era style black market.

Checked, but he might get forced into retirement by the "oligharchs" (I don't like how that term is used).

A lot of people argue that Russians are responsible for what their government does and I'm not going to dispute that, but as an American, god help us if we face a reckoning for the shit our country has done.

>god help us if we face a reckoning for the shit our country has done.
lol, only a problem for the whites, the rest of us will be fine

this is such an insanely stupid excuse. all this does is kill and maim millions of people. you don't get to shift blame for inflicting this kind of suffering by imagining a fantasy hypothetical scenario. the sanctions themselves are the objective. the russian people are the target. ukraine was the pretext, in collusion with putin

because all he has to do to stop your life from being fucked is stop the invasion

It's really just Americans actually, Canada too maybe. Everyone else is doing alright.

>all you have to do is stop having the wrong opinions, goyim

They are just speed running the collapse of USSR onto Russia now.

because their citizens are ignorant to what the fuck is going on. they need to wake up

Lot of weird takes here. The point is to cripple their economy in any way possible thus that they can't continue to fight. When people can't even afford food is when the fun starts

To send China a message

To drive Russian population into civil war OR to drive them towards Putin and support an all out (nuclear) war

Take your pills schizo

Attached: main-qimg-40adea78890591d14cf3b463f5c7c4a7.jpg (900x675, 194.77K)

A popular uprising offers a perfect opportunity to install a democratic puppet

Show of power, china has shit their pants considering ever moving on Taiwan.

Going to war with Ukraine is the right opinion in 2022 lmao fucking dumb tranny

Today it’s Russia tomorrow it’s Republicans and gun owners

>r*ddit moment
Humans are fine npcs but the problem are kikes aka dark magi aka psychos
>hurr durr take your meds
Check the meaning of the holly wood and how it related to druids who were later corrupted by the same people who corrupted middle eastern civilizations (including heebs)

>t. sub-100 T
You will get fucked raw in every hole and enjoy it

putin never intended to "win" you deluded fool. the entire conflict is engineered. here you are cheering at the prospect of millions of powerless people starving. sickening

The only reason shitskins support a population of billions is western technological and resource support. You’ll be fucked the most when your Aryan (and kikes desu) superiors destroy the western civilization

Weird cope considering I said nothing of the sort.

>It's really just Americans actually, Canada too maybe. Everyone else is doing alright.
Eh, not really. Most of Western Europe is pretty crazy now too. China and Russia are full of their own bullshit too.

Smart user but since ghost of Kiev it’s been a marvel movie so you might as well buckle up bucko


Watch this instead of salivating over a staged war. We need anons who can compile the list of the location of as many “elite” bunker. If a nuclear war erupts, and all things are pointing towards it, we need to take out their surface defenses and either destroy those inside with gas, explosives, etc. or seal them from the outside, so they starve to death. If we don’t do that those cockroaches will likely go out at some point, fed and strong and use their military equipment to wage war against the weakened remains of the surface dwellers (that’s you faggots)

I predict one of these two might happen:

1) russia becomes a defacto old style fascist shithole where having internet becomes a thing only for the top class and eating animal protein becomes a weekly occurence

2) they start using the open source alternatives for all these systems and develop them to be robust enough up to the point that they become 100% self sufficient on these information systems without having to pay/tolerate private corporations

I think the first one is more likely

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USA need to being destroyed

It's more that all these financial institutions can wreck you such Canada with banks, now Russia where foreign payment cards screwed the people, not to mention the government being able to seize your funds for no reason at all (eg cops finding you with 5k in cash). Now imagine if they succeed at making a digital dollar. They can stop you at a whim from using your money or forcibly zero out your account or impose direct inflation via expiring money.

This looks like it's gearing up towards the Mark of the Beast after all one of it's uses is a way to prevent buying and selling for those that don't have it. Easiest way to prevent buying and selling is if there is also no physical currency. Putting all those that refuse to accept the Mark of the Beast in a situation of having to scavenge for food somehow, donations, or bartering just to name some ways of getting food.

My suspicions, this is all just being done to set up digital currencies while seeing if the public expresses no issue with people having their bank accounts/payment methods/physical cash being seized/frozen/not allowed to use. With those attempts also comes with it being tested to see how difficult it'd be to bring about the Mark of the Beast. After all if some people accept an ordinary digital currency how much more difficult would it be to push the Mark of the Beast albeit with eternal ramifications that some probably think mean nothing.

clown world. its all pathetic virtue signaling, if they really wanted to hurt russia they will sanction their oil and energy exports but they wont.

I imagine it's the same point as financially destroying average, middle class citizens in all developed countries. Broke people don't have much way to resist tyranny.

Man imagine being a Russian at any point in time, just constant absolute suffering.

Before war, during a war, after a war, just constant suffering. Getting buttfucked by your own government and then additionally buttfucked by other governments. Always at all times, suffering is the norm.

Literally every computing device manufactured after 2008 has a hardware backdoor. Any attempt at building a parallel financial ecosystem will be literally shut down by glowniggers