Paypal suspended in Russia

Do what you will with this info.

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is globohomo overplaying its hand?

they are isolating the Russian economy from the Dollar and other markets so they can pull through with their currency reform.

this has made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that crypto is the only financial platform that cannot be banned or censored away by (((them)))

Assuming youre on the right platform as we see with metamask

>America invaded Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Syria, and Yemen with no repercussions
>China is still committing a Genocide, killing far more people than Russia is but no one does anything
>The moment Russia invades Ukraine everyone spergs out
TL;DR - Yes. Targeting Russia's economy may as well be an act of war by America imo. Mark my words, they would never do this to China.

in the end this will just push Russia further away from Europe and deeper into the Chinese embrace. Perhaps that is the goal all along, Chinks get a de facto colony and the thing that scares the globohomo jew cartel the most of all - an Euro (German) Russian alliance - is now an impossibility.

Probably. There is a reason they are not sanctioning energy. Because they cant. How fast do you think people will forget about some weirdly named country far away when oil is 250$ and gas triples from here? And then there is food prices...

>Mark my words, they would never do this to China.
even if they did china has a lot of their own versions of many internet services anyways. It would mean nothing to China. It makes me a bit sad knowing this.

Dude what the fuck are amerimutts going to do lul. You can skullfuck them and turn their kids into a different gender and nothing will happen. Imagine thinking the US government cares more about some obese rednecks and niggers than foreign states.

if they push too hard - which they already are - the Ruskies will close the taps - which they already have (Yamal is offline already). Europe may pull through till next winter if they are careful, but the Russians have also already stopped exporting fertilizers. It is no coincidence wheat futures are at ATH as we speak.

anyone can install metamask
anyone can run their own node

Nah, it’s still all coordinated. We haven’t gone off the rails yet. More countries would need to get invaded with Europe being the monkey in the middle for things to escalate.

people still use paypal?

I use it very often.

Crypto obsiegt!

If anything this shows to all of us how much control the megacorporations have and will almost definitely inspire a lot more alternative options to pop up.

nigger kneeling jewish west vs insane megalomaniacal cold war boomer putin. eradication of 90% of the global population by mutually assured destruction nuclear holocaust is the only good outcome.

Stop being retarded.

Yes, trade with Russia benefits the US just as much as it does Russia, because it reaffirms, strengthens and bolsters the petro dollar.

Look at what happened to Gaddafi when he tried to make a gold based currency to get the petro dollar out of North African trade.

The US is going to be in a really tough spot when it hits rioting season and black people are paying $10/g of gas and suddenly food stamps can't cover anything but bread and eggs.

Thats the issue with centralization, at any point they can decide no mas. Its why one world globohomo is so terrifying. If you have a dissenting opinion there is nowhere to go. Theyll just deny you access to everything and if your community goes to bat for you theyll just blackout the town, cut off trade to you, and youll be holodomored. Nationalism and decentralization are imperative in maintaining a somewhat free world.

They are going all-in hoping for a colour revolution. This is reckless gambling and considering how incompetent our politicians are, you can be fairly sure they themselves have no idea if they have the upper hand.
We are seeing the immediate effect on the value of the Ruble as the west controls the worldwide financial sector, which makes for good "Russia is going to collapse any minute now" propaganda, but the impact of such a self-inflicted blockade on economies that couldn't raise interest rates by just 0.25 just 2 weeks ago can easily be far more devastating.


It'll get even scarier when all of our appliances are part of the IOT.
At that point they can even deny us our fridges,ovens and toasters as fucking insane as it sounds.
Problem is that many people won't even think of this as any kind of a problem because it's just the "bad guys" who are at the receiving end.

Yeah i love how they go on about russia collapsing just because theyre trading their shit at lower evaluations. Imagine having beef with an HOA or something and they come by and just declare your home thats worth $500k to now be worth $5k. Nothing has changed with the house, they just sit outside saying its only worth $5k while acting smug about it. Thats what the west is doing to russia.