Attached: bitcoin cash.png (1200x600, 343.14K)

since the advent of LN there has been exactly 0 reasons to use this...

You mean BSV

LN is precisely why BCH is needed.
BSV is a scamcoin with fake transactions and retarded leaders.

I'm all in


Thread is still up? Good.
BCH is the best bet you can take right now.

Attached: qdasncl8c1l81.jpg (1178x729, 75.45K)

what’s the difference between btc and btc cash bros

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this or any other payment altcoin

at this point the only markets with viability are those enabling arbitrary code execution on the base layer. eventually those will also be swallowed by their own layered scaling solutions deciding to cut out their middleman and settle directly on bitcoin instead.

dont measure alts against fiat, measure them against bitcoin. it's an even clearer chart


Attached: 1620798315966.png (1139x875, 64.3K)

Yeah, I think we have finally bottomed out.
Barely any selling pressure left for BCH.

Attached: 1644869821832s.jpg (250x250, 7.83K)

>bottomed out
you have 18,000 examples of why altcoins don't bottom out but keep trending towards zero against bitcoin

BCH is different though. It's not like the other shitcoins on the market.

Time will verify my claims.

Meh, another boring weekend.
BCH trading bots need to fuck off.

maybe so, but i wouldn't bet against those odds myself

>LN is precisely why BCH is needed.
ln at least has instant finality.
what bch has is wishful thinking and ignoring how bitcoin works.

>since the advent of LN there has been exactly 0 reasons to use this...
why are Ln payments barely being adopted? because they are cumbersome and gay sorry user

are mtgox clients paid out from the settlement yet?
if not, isn't there theoretically a metric fuckton of BCH waiting to be claimed and sold by people who have been anxious to sell for literally 8 years?
>this is my biggest concern with BCH
>unironically think it's the real bitcoin because of blockstream jewish tricks

150k BCH is like $50MM while 150k BTC is like $6B.

BCH will have it way easier than BTC once coins are returned.

>150k BCH is like $50MM while 150k BTC is like $6B.
this isn't the right perspective. if there is buying liquidity on btc but none on bch, 50mm dump could -10% BCH while 6 billion could -5% BTC
im pulling these numbers out of my ass but liquidity is a concern not just theoretical selling pressure