Russian gf comes back from work yesterday

>russian gf comes back from work yesterday
>she comes in crying like a little girl not knowing what to do
>ask her what happened
>she says she got bullied and treated like shit at work for the past couple of days because of the Ukraine war

These dumb niggers will PAY for this. I finally met one non roastie non stacy girl that is down to earth and would never harm anyone and alway help whenever she can and she got treated like shit at work for something she isn’t responsible for.

I will fucking DESTROY this company. The company is publicly traded. How to efficiently deploy capital to economical nuke this company into insolvency for what they did to my poor gf??

Attached: 50E28375-48BB-4549-8A61-89F2D2036B26.png (439x368, 30.08K)

>make ur gf lose her job

Make her report it to human resources???
Take 2 weeks paid leave for emotional distress.
If it doesn't stop when she comes back find a new job lmao

rape her co-workers

user, don’t be so hasty. Tell the mrs do document everything. Do this for a fortnight and from there you will know what to do.

No idea what I'd do but bump for justice, fuck these niggers deep indeed for tormenting your girlfriend

haha based bullies

Hire schwabposter user

This guy gets it. She's getting harassed over her ethnicity, play their stupid game

She’s not black and not asian, and also not Jewish. What do you think will happen?

>implying in this clown world they won't come back with something like "Well, how do you think the Ukrainians feel about the invasion? Russian lives don't matter until Ukrainian lives matter until black lives matter."

>some russian thot who I find and simp for is upset

Buy her a cute lil Ukraine flag collar pin.

And a cute lil Ukraine flag for her work desk.

If she hasn't denounced the attacks to her colleagues/you then she's prob a Putin bot and just using you for your western passport which she will clone for a Russian intelligence agency.

Americans had to deal with this shit when traveling abroad in the Bush years. Solution? Stick a Canadian leaf on your backpack.

In this case though your girlfriend's fucked.

you're not jason bourne dumbass, and if you continue to act so infatuated she'll realize you're cringe and leave you.

So, whats the problem?

This 100%. And he's posting it to biz lol, OP confirmed fggt.

The only Biz advice I can give OP is to sell his 'gf' for a loss and upgrade to a Ukraine gf while they on firesale (refugee visa, won't need to marry for visa and risk a divorce - overall reduced financial liability).

Go to HR, you can go to the press if they do nothing, or at least threaten too. Play them at their own retarded HR game.
Don't think you will be able to economically nuke a company but you could get them fucked for ethics

This. It sounds like your cute little girlfriend still has an allegiance to her murderous lunatic birth country. It’s not cool or even acceptable to try that pro Putin garbage in public

Muthafucka did u just fucking use fortnight in a casual conversation?? Where are u so I can give u a shiny silver coin for ur word wizardry?

Found the faggot brainwashed burger.

If it's public, can't you short them?

When you consume the heavy patriotism from Brandon's dick directly.
How to make the Star Sparkled BIPOC anthem on repeat stop, user? Put a bullet in your head.

>her murderous lunatic birth country.

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please be bait