How do you become a hedge fund manager?

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At least the russian is not a nigger

Why are all of them, except the russian, shitskins?

When society starts to collapse, I’m going to christchurch zuckerfaggots friends.

The globohomo mind programming is insane on so many levels.

You know....

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lol what a brainwashing shit. In Russia live absolute normalfags like in other country. the real enemy sitting only in goverment

CFA and $1million + and become FINRA member.

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>white bad, nigger/mutt good
Good morning agent Jones.

know some rich guys and talk convince them into giving you money so you can multiply it. Once you've multiplied some money convince more with your achievements. here's your private hedge fund.

Why is there no midget in a wheelchair?? Preferably Chinese? #Tolerance

honestly, how are you mayobros even cool with this shit for so long? like what the fuck lmao.

non-whites get the rope
putin gets the rope

simple as


the only reason white people don't care is even the strongest leftwing degenerates know deep down whites are the most evolved humans. nobody thinks about there being shitskin supremacy, they laugh off chink supremacy, because the idea that a subhuman race would think of themselves as better than the clear leaders is reduced to a joke.

Why would that matter when millions of them will infest our communities? Whites don't have kids anymore.

whiteness is toxic and evil

Reparations. Now,

You’re only supposed to look at the flags idiot

Yes, we definitely need reparations from shtskins for ruining our blessed society. I think lowering their populations by 50% and society ostracism toward race mixing would be a good start


it does not matter, but it is one of the reasons for sure
>you cant be racist to a white!!
stems from that belief

because wealthy defacto white ethnostates will always be around, and countries that descend too far brownwards will collapse under their own weight, or will draw new borders to prevent that happening.

Russians are half-mongolian, idk maybe the ones closest to Europe are least Asian.

A mayomonkey probably made the image. Whiteoids are self hating for some reason.