What medicine will turn me into a productive entrepreneur?

I do not care if my heart explodes and I die an early death. Any Forums shill me the perfect combo for becoming a superhuman coder who codes 15 hours a day with no breaks.

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stims but you will prob just fap alot

Take a moda when you wake up and 1 adderall IR around noon/lunch for a boost
you'll be going
dont take them after 2 pm or good luck sleeping
they fuck up your gut though so eat a lot of alkaline veggies or take sodium bicarbonate

Holy shit. Modafinil. That's it. I had a period a few years ago where I worked a warehouse job and studied at the same time, and I took this. I forgot what it was called until just now.

Moda 100%

i have some moda from one of those janky indian pharmacies and I want to try it but it seems kind of sketchy to me to. I don't want to get jeeted.

buds, that dumb shit, trust me. Invest in Cannumo. it is much better.

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how do you even get this as a burger? just ask your doctor for a prescription?

Unfortunately just changing brain chemistry doesn't change personality. You just have laser focus on videogames and jerk off 3 times a day.

The gastrointestinal effects are more due to the serotonin influence than anything else.

You're on a crypto imageboard and you don't know how to get drugs? Holy shit this board is going downhill FAST

I've been on modafinil, I don't think it's much better than caffeine pills.

How the fuck do u get it in the US don’t u need a prescription to get it online

Take time off work and do a constant mixture of LSD stimulants and weed

Help us out user

It's prescribed for narcolepsy.

This is the same effect it has on me.

Ive never tried modafinil but im interested in trying it. I would say ritalin its weaker than adderal so you dont have to worry about getting tweaky but it still gets the job done

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2 words, coke

Buy monero and use tor faggot

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Modafinil helps me stay focused when reading ARs and building DCF models for long hours but it doesn't do shit for "creativity" or "motivation".
Exercise, good sleep, and meditation is the only thing that lets you connect the dots after you consume mass amounts of information while on stims.
No pills or drugs or whatever will turn you into a genius that will invent the next iphone or be able to turn a retail micro cap into a monstrosity that moves the entire market at will (amazon).

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>Any Forums shill me the perfect combo for becoming a superhuman coder who codes 15 hours a day with no breaks.
There are people who do this while using little to no drugs.

I do broad spectrum stimulants and they have no effect whatsoever on personality or motivation, and at best tangential influence on task saliency. Even psychometric tests have confirmed that my IQ is not significantly higher on any of these than on a normal dosage of caffeine. They help with getting out of bed though.

Darknet sources will be far more professional than any doctor. Discussing the technical details of drug trade (esp of regulated substances) is beyond the scope of this thread.

They will fuck up LSD usage. Working around its tolerance is difficult and microdosing does not cause the stimulant effects associated with 'motivation'.

you can have more than one psychiatrist. go to one psychiatrist and lie and say you have narcolepsy, go to another psychiatrist and say you have ADHD. If they try to give you something else, look up the side effects on the medicine and lie to your doctor and say you're receiving side effects. keep doing this till the last one they can try is adderall.