Lifestyle inflation is real

I always told myself I would be extremely frugal if I made lots of money but I am currently spending 9k a month

>2500 a month for house including tax and maintenance
>1100 a month car payment and tax
>4000 a month big titty escorts
>500 on food
>350 on utilities
>250 on miscellaneous shit

Total income is 300k but half of that is from irregular bonuses and I have 150k base salary. So like I still save about 80-90k a year after taxes but I also feel like a retard for spending so much and my regular paycheck gets completely eaten every month

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>I also feel like a retard
because you are

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if your made up story was real you would have been spending more on food.
You dont really know how much people spend on food do you?

apply the energy to lie into actually getting a job.

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Kek, 500 on food is a lot. I mostly buy from fast casual restaurants and cook some meals at home too. I shop at Aldi which cuts down on groceries

>4000 a moth big titty escorts
Stop buying candles


I love fucking as much as anyone but for 4k a month.. If you out that into looksmaxxing and /fit then you could get that for free, seriously.

Even bring it down to 1k for a while and go crazy with diet, training, steroids and plastic surgery

just fucking stop.
how do you think i feel when I have a decent graphic design job from home, and i make decent money to invest and then i come on Any Forums to read how everyone is somehow a 300k a year software developer. And surprisingly your hobbies arent gardening or some other cool shit but you are non stop posting tiktok roasties asking what shitcoin to buy.

Because thats how people who make 300k a year act right? they buy shitcoins and they are OBSESSED with sex, right?

Anyone thats been fucking a hot woman for 3 months max is bored out of it and wont even bother talking about it or post pictures like a horny teenager.

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I hear you bro, now that I'm making like $500k a year swing trading crypto and stocks, my standards have gotten more expensive too. I guess the quote "more money, more problems" is true.

try harder, retard. i make $800k at FAGMAN.

I spent the entire day assembling my cute prepper pantry to hold my energy drinks, chocolate, canned fish, oats etc... and now i have to read about russian stocks for the next 5 days and slowly start unloading 1500$ in the russian stockmarket.

And i just LOVE hearing your larps about how you make 300k a year and how you make 500k "swing trading" you little unemployed piece of shit.

And keep in mind im the only guy in the forum who is doing good in stocks right now because im in war and pharma stocks. you losers are all in tech and you are larping how you made 500k swing trading? in your fucking dreams loser.

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I honestly wouldn't believe me either, so I understand your skepticism. I'm a true story of rags to riches, most of my worth is on paper if that makes you feel better.

>muh pantry
>a drawer full of energy drinks
are you a burger perchance?

no im bulgarian but i have a burger perspective.

take the clownpill and LARP. most of them are insecure about their status and success which is why they brag about it here, and 90% of it is an utter lie. taking part in the LARP makes them even more suicidal and insecure. on Any Forums i'm an L7 SWE at google and i give out (bad and inaccurate) career advice left and right. in reality i don't even code.

How did you get started swing trading? Ho much capital did you start of with. I have 200k but thinking about starting small to test the waters.

500 on food is not a lot. I spend 500 on food a month being cheap, and I don't make over 100k

Absolutely seething kek

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git gud poornigger

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That's cool but watch this:
300 for house (small mortgage payoff, insurance and maintenance)
200 for car (insurance and gas)
0 for anime tiddies

You and me are not the same.

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Can I have one of your energy drinks user? I'm kinda thirsty

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Nice inspect element Chud

I make steak about twice a week, pork chops once or twice, tendies about once, and fill the rest in with pasta and chicken or beef and the occasional stir fries. All whole foods made from scratch type stuff so it runs pretty high. $400-500/mo sounds about right for someone who spends too much on food. It's hard to see how it could cost much more than 500 unless you are buying fancy imports and purposely buying produce out of season.

I respect it, but it is more optimal just buy the energy components in capsule form. Quite frankly, a proper prep stash would have some proper amphetamines. If SHTF you're going to wish you had a lot more than caffeine.