What's the prospects of ICP/DFinity mooning in the future...

What's the prospects of ICP/DFinity mooning in the future? It's got a promising goal of creating a decentralized internet and it's recovering quite well from the recent crash, just it's £1000 for like 65 tokens...is it worth it?

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there is so much out there to read, go. but yeah next "link" in a few years.

stop associating icp with that rugged 2017 shitcoin. dirty r1a shill.

whats the e-v13 project? i already have r1b, but need a jewish one too so either j or e i think

i hold icp and have no idea what r1a is but yeah ima keep buying, peace

Hes a retard who keeps bloodposting. He is probably inbred and holds cardano

buy or dont buy nobody here is gonna wipe your ass and change your diaper

I'm a simple man, i just buy.

bought at $270
should i kms

Probably the safest bet in the game rn. also I have to eat a sock because it went to 15$

"Answers only provide the basis for more FUD."
-Dominic Williams


Safer than LINK? Asking unironically… LINK being L0, if LINK fails then all crypto fails, bla bla


LINK isn't needed anymore, Dfinity is lightyears ahead.
BTC leads to ETH, leads to ICP.
Buying any other Coin/Token than ICP makes no sense, because it all is outdated.
Evolution baby.

Attached: futureoldman.jpg (487x350, 26.3K)

This isn’t explicitly true. It means there’s no real need for other Layer 1s. ICP, notably, lacks an ERC20-equivalent standard of its own so tokens aren’t really being minted on-chain yet. Motoko is also super inaccessible (only providing guides for Mac users at this point) so not a whole lot of development is happening on-chain.
In short, we’re EARLY.

link = stink
next question

Linux also

Link is needed to bring off chain data on chain

Holy shit this thread wrecks of curry

>Safer than LINK?

LINK is extremely overvalued and has huge risks since it's an antiquated, centralized ICO shitcoin where the token does nothing.

LINK was a good buy under 60 cents.

>wrecks of curry
brown spotted