Is this a top signal

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No, crypto is simply getting bigger as it should. More and more people are finding out the tradfi system is a scam and they will never make it there. I know an absolute cringe retard who is all about crypto now. At first I was thrown off then I realized people are just trying to survive in this world.

>top signal
You realize that only means anything when prices are near all time highs right

love from Kazakhstan.


wagmi -- women are gonna make it

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Guys I was actually really concerned that rich women weren't going to make it. Imagine your brother being a billionaire? Man that must be hard. It must also be hard to show up to crypto after all these years and complain for more women and useless HR positions. Truly they suffer.

> tradfi is a scam
> buy crypto on Coinbase

You know this whole crypto thing has been a sham since 2016 right?

We're - we're still early.
You should post this in the comments to get a bunch of updoots while making crypto-bros quietly cringe.

btw this cycle of Any Forums memes being adopted by normies is getting cringe after many years of this. fuck i need to just leave this place altogether and live in nature

how is it cringe? you should be proud that woman are more powerful than men and honestly we probably contribute more to deep and intellectual conversations then the rest of you on here

there is no irony allowed here

Fuck off and make me a sandwich

tits or gtfo whore

disgusting and also

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Women Are Going to Suck It when my Shib moons

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women are gonna milkies

Holy shit this is literally Mark Zuckerberg's sister

Oh fucking Christ. Fuck crypto. I'm done.

Web3 and the ENS 'domains' or whatever is such obvious trojan horse bullshit now too, anyone who thinks it's the "future of decentralization" is absolutely kidding themselves.

>Bro just have a single-source digital identity linked to your financial assets and transactions which you will then very likely link to all of your social media accounts, either directly or indirectly containing your full name, occupation and other personal information, for 'clout' in the crybdoh cummunity

no fucking thanks.

look at that disgusting rats nest hair, dead soulless dark eyes, and bulbous crooked nose

ens is only useful for the ethereum base layer anyway. global name services won't be based on altcoin networks