/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

Mumu Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
jmbullion.com/ (US)
goldsilver.be/en/ (BE/EU/UK)
chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
more at: pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Russian/European coins
oldsilver.ru/ (EU/UK/US)

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

findbullionprices.com/ (US)
eu.compare.pm (EU)
gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)
goldprice.eu5.net/ (UK)


>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid, Magnets and Ping Test

>Relevant information regarding mining companies

Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


no feedback


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this has been my phone bg for weeks, thanks anons

The only metals that really matter

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Good evening, I hate privatized central banks and fiat currencies

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>Realize it's March
>"Time to buy more silver from FM"
>They're sold out of 1/2 oz, 1 oz, 5 oz, 10 oz, and hell, even 50 oz bullion
>Smallest thing they have in stock is 1 kg
>Price is also $2 higher than last month

I hung my display cabinet that came today.
I got more silver on its way and pre-ordered a few of dem bog coins

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What’s /PMG think of these goldbacks? The premium is ridiculous. It’s the idea of having paper gold that’s made it somewhat of an interesting item. It’s currency that’s literal gold. I feel like one is better off with junk silver vs buying these if it comes time to barter or SHTF.

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I like the artwork.

i have one of each

Buy it for the artwork if that’s what you’re into. I don’t know why there is always someone shitting on goldbacks because of premiums.

I wish I had a full set of each state framed

i have the full set of each state and want to frame them but have no idea how

Trust me, when SHTF you are going to NEED goldbacks if you want to to continue any semblance of the life you live now. To survive when SHTF you need goldbacks, guns, ammo, food, and water. Trust me. You won't regret it.

False equivalence, plenty of stackers carry guns. But we have a board almost entirely for guns (/k/) and a board that talks a lot about survival tactics and what to do during national freakouts a lot (pol). This is the only thread, not even board on the entire site that focuses specifically on coins and bullion.
Unless they find a way to make the premium go down they really are just a cool novelty. That being said, they would be a fantastic way to get gold circulating as currency again if we ever broke free from the central bank shackles. If coins were used the population might be too tempted to just hoard instead of spend, when a good currency should change through a lot of hands because both what it buys and the currency itself is desirable. It would also work better with things like modern billfold wallets and money machines such as ATMs and Vending machines. But I do wonder how they would hold up against the daily stressors that paper currency endures, I always see people put these in plastic sleeves and never bend them.

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I think some gold bugs literally think these will be extremely valuable someday. I mean good for you purchasing for the artwork. Only way I can see these becoming something like an investment that “moons” is if say, it becomes a failed currency but later on people are crazy for buying them just because there rare and cool

I panic bought my first 50 stack of Silver Maple Leaf at $39.70 CAD/oz, around a 24% premium and I hate my life. Please do not rug pull me until I can panic sell half of them at $50/oz. I promise I will promote the shiny rocks like it is some kind of MLM just let me get back into fiat. Please whisper reassurance to me, like how I probably won't have to declare capital gains on sovereigns and can get some of the premium back over spot when I sell.


Got this at the lcs today. And under spot too. How'd I do bros?

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Eh now that I really think about it. Who would want a goldback running in circulation on the regular like pocket change and peoples billfolds. It’s like fucking up a magnificent piece of art.

/pmg/ Coin Minting News (1 of 2)
Previous News Editions: & ==========

+ 2022 Bog Coin [Pre-Sale Now Available on MintAnon's WebStore]

- Pre-sale Orders for a Bog Coin $60 (Free Shipping @ $499), until end of March: - Flat rate shipping based on country at checkout: - Coupon Code "newsanon" for $5 off any order $100+ until April 01: (the code in name is just a "shout-out"/honorable mention, and is for everyone to use, not just for me, NewsAnon)

- Random serial #'s to be distributed, there maybe a chance to request sequential: >MintAnon's WebStore:

- Website Stats for first day, views by country: >We're now at 322 rounds sold over 118 orders
Average of 2.73 per order, 8.05 per hour (using 40 hour difference between post timestamps)

For comparison this was my calculations for after 6 hours: >6 hours after launch, 141 Bog Coins were sold over ~50 orders (avg 2.82 per order, 23.5 per hour):

So not counting the initial 6 hour hype of the launch: 181 Bog Coins over 68 orders in the last 34 hours:
Average of 2.66 per order, 5.32 per hour.

What can we conclude by all this? I'm being autistic.


+ 2022 Yotsuba Coin [Indiegogo to start on Mar 04, 00:01 EST, for 2 weeks]

- 2nd WIP sketch (Released on Feb 17): - Sculpt starting soon: - Yotsuba Indiegogo Funding:

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Hey Faggots, My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook. Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening. Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

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/pmg/ Coin Minting News (2 of 2)


eBay /pmg/ Coins:
- thissitesfees2high [WAGMI #0022], New Listing. UK with Worldwide Shipping, start bid ask £400 (~$534 USD).
- Seller inquired first on /pmg/: >Anyone interested in buying a dubs (0022) WAGMI for $400+? If you are interested let me know and I'll put up an eBay listing.

- It'll be interesting to see what happens with this low serial dubs (or double dubs if you count the zeros)...
- the last WAGMI to sell was low serial WAGMI #0010 for $275, and to just one bidder (making two bids).
- this listing may have the additional benefit of Worldwide Shipping/Located in the UK, and the possible "double zero dubs"
- but at the cost of a significantly higher start bid ask.

- Their username is apt though, eBay has a 12.5% sale fee on the sellers...the last time I checked anyways.


>thissitesfees2high [WAGMI #0022]: Int'l, Auction ends Mar 12

>kashkab2000 [Aputannia #730]: CAN/USA, Auction/BIN $1399.99 CAD (~$1104 USD), ends Mar 08

>aww-5854 [WAGMI #0826]: Int'l, BIN £300.00 (~$403 USD)

>kingofthesouth02 [WAGMI #0785]: BIN $249.99

- WAGMI #0852. BIN $500.00
- Same pics used in multiple other auctions that went UNSOLD, and no serial pics. Caveat Emptor.


Previous eBay History & Graphs
- Aputannia: - WAGMI: - Holocoin:

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What is that holding the gold coins and where do I get one?