Morgan Stanley: Biden is due to announce an executive order related to crypto the coming days, [...]

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Moon imminent

they know its far too late to cut it off now. Moon immanent

if they wanted to fuck crypto they would have did it years ago. not now lmao. the dollar is dead. literally everyone, including my grandma, now knows how utterly worthless it is.

Rugpull imminent

wow organic replies sers!

just two more weeks bobos


America is on full damage control because Russia called their bluff and America has done fuck all to stop them.

Regulations are bullish. KYC features in DeFi wallets and smart contracts will emerge. That's fine. Bitcoin will remain pure. Most alts will die of course once there's a reasonable means of the state to tax crypto transactions.

Moon imminent

bearish short term, bullish longterm

This reads like it is written by someone who hasn't managed to fully grasp what crypto even is.
>back accounts were frozen and crypto addresses were prevented from interacting with exchanges
they're hoping you're stupid enough to believe that's how it works

>Regulations are bullish.
Am I stupid, or am I missing something here?
I can't see this being bullish in any way possible. Wasn't the point of crypto was to avoid "rules and regulations" from uncle sam?
ie silk road + BTC, XMR, ZCASH, etc etc?
How exactly would it (regulations) be bullish for crypto?

Makes institutions feel safer to join into crypto. More big buys = more green

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boomer money would at least 10x the crypto marketcap. Boomer money will only feel safe investing when institutions feel safe, ie once its regulated.

The game was rigged for BTC from the start.

Because Russia using crypto to avoid sanctions is literally what bitcoin was built for. The Russians are proving that crypto works as intended and no amount of regulation can stop people from transacting, They can regulate crypto in regards to the fiat off-ramp, but that just increases adoption of crypto as a legitimate form of currency.

It's bearish for crypto as an idea but bullish for the price of crypto.

What are you fags going to do when they sanction your crypto? Stupid pyramid scheme

what's more, Putin's sacrificial move to provoke the jews getting Russia kicked off swift will be discussed into the next century. Not only cements it the petro dollar (swift primarily exists to facilitate the usd as the world's reserve currency) ar completely political and militarized, it gives notice to big countries that the jew won't stop at smaller countries like Iran in 2008 but they could end up being disconnected too. BRICS will push CIPS to replace SWIFT, by sheer trading volume, and slowly bug surely the usd will lose importance in international commerce until less than half the world's trade is settled in usd. And then, as a dam bursting, all those printed dollars inflated away to the world who needed them for trade, come home and hyperinflation in their wake. The US will lose their empire because their military will go immediately after as the US for the first time since the 1930s needs to balance austere budgets to survive. If its people won't rise up. This is no wishful thinking butterfly effect, last weekend the jew US empire for the first time and openly started to crack and die.
Sieg Heil!

I just find it funny/interesting that a lot of similar stuff is happening almost exactly 100 years later. Truly a fucked up groundhog day