>GME threads

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Be glad, that's why you still have a job, shill


ryan choen u blow faggot nigger loser

they're worse than those xrp schizo fags at this point

GME posters are second only to the retards who thing Safemoon is a legit project.

lol, they don't know GME is going to hit $1000 by end of year on organic growth alone.

nigger kike

What organic growth?

do your own research faggot

They don’t understand that NFT marketplaces are for Ponzi schemes with no ideas


Imagine not holding some GME in 2022. kek

Smells like baggie cope ITT

Go the fuck back to Any Forums.

Dilate transmantha the trans man

Show me on the 10k disclosure where this growth is you drooling retard
This is a brick and mortar business with declining store counts and same store sales. Look at the store count - it’s at 4800. They had over 6000 locations a decade ago.


Just lol at the declining year over year sales

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>PAYING employees to drive to a brick and mortar store to sell games (which everyone downloads or is moving to download) or hardware everyone buys from amazon
You’ve been brainwashed but no one feels sorry for you.


Still a better hold than Any Forums's coin (LINK)