He wastes money on cigarettes

>he wastes money on cigarettes

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>He pays to drink neurotoxin

Attached: 1636775781528.jpg (1467x2048, 260.56K)

>he doesn't grow his own marihuana

Attached: mj.jpg (850x536, 217.43K)

Nicotine is medicinal though

cigarettes are based, shut up.

it literally raises IQ scores


>he pays for food delivery instead of cooking at home

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Imagine thinking this isn’t some biased schizo opinion from some cig addicted researchers in an attempt to cope with lung cancer kek

whatever happened to "trust le scientists"?

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Every day because I'm not poor

>he eats wagie spit

user science is the art of trying to understand complex and theoretical things. You notice a patter, you create a theory. If people disagree with your findings, they will show proof of why what they think is correct instead. Everything being a theory and a healthy discourse is what makes science fun. Stop arguing with cattle.

yeah bro
your computer you're on works by Magic right? Not science? retards


lurk more and then kill yourself ESL faggot

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>computers run on science
Kill yourself midwit

Temple of Solomon.

The malaria outbreaks caused by not using ddt have killed thousands of times as many people as ddt

For me it’s a nice cigar every once in a while. I like to go on night walks while smoking them and think about life.

Technology is a form of science

Cool now do science pretending cigarettes are bad for you by examining coal miners lungs

Organic tobacco uplifts the mind. Jews made up the lie that tobacco is bad for you because they didn't want the goyim thinking and talking to each other in a relaxed reflective way

So you're actually retarded and think computers are magic?

>Smoking rates go down, asthma rates go up
>Fat consumption goes down, obesity rates go up
>Playing/working outside goes down, skin cancer rates go up
>Hardship and discomfort goes down, depression rates go up
>Unsanitary conditions goes down (more handwashing, purell, machine packaged food, etc), immune sensitivity goes up
Man it's almost as if wrapping yourself in bubble wrap is bad

It literally does raise attention and IQ. Go chew some nicotine gum you big baby, you'll see. It's like five cups of coffee without the jitters.

>nah I don't smoke bro because muh lung cancer bro cigs are bad
>Yeah I'll have extra large fries and a jumbo Coke

This thread brought to you by Big Tobacco

>people that pay for sex

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Magic makes more sense then science

Cope and seethe science-cuck. I bet you believe that Darwin Clause brings you the presents for Sciencemas.


how else would you get it