Any one of you tards that have a smidgen of artistic ability wil be able to create your own nft game in 9 days when...

Any one of you tards that have a smidgen of artistic ability wil be able to create your own nft game in 9 days when unilabs dapp is live. I can’t wait to see what you guys make. Keep me updated.

Attached: dark souls.jpg (680x411, 44.02K)

>dark souls.jpg
Is it that obvious they were ripping it off?

imagine a hack and slash with devil may cry-like mechanics in the gameplay
full pvp and online capabilities
and prizes in crypto whenever you win or make a badass combo
one can dream....

Thank god I have 0 artistic abilities. These people are weird lefty pedo scum every time. Being an artist = pedophile in secret. "Oh no dont worry im drawing naked children because im studying anatomy besides my mistake its not a kid its a 9000 year old dragon in the body of a 12 year old".

literally riding on elden ring's launch

use unilab then, good luck on the whole "make a game" part kek

That armor looks fucking ridicule kek

yes. yes release platforms for me to shovel trash with little effort. continue. not going to get exploited at all. not going to open floodgates to a bunch of scam high production value shit. good idea.


Unilab is total shit, we don't need no code shit on crypto, that would be a mess

Looks more like Demon Souls to me.
What is the issue faggotron?

Attached: DS_Dark.jpg (1000x628, 71.68K)

literally me

I need a bossfight that basically consists of a knight in an armor so ridiculously big and stupid that it makes it fail most attacks
once he removes it, the boss is actually capable of killing you

Sounds epic. Learn how to enjoy things.

Attached: slurp.png (1280x720, 906.53K)

>What is the issue faggotron?
yeah sure ignore the fact that making a game in 8 days is nigh impossible

>Me (based) traveling through Limgrave while riding my spirit beast Torrent
>You (cringe) spending on shitcoins


Attached: 164238214893.jpg (1800x900, 384.5K)

Sounds like a cool bait boss. Just you know, instead of le epic twist 3rd stage or something it's actually original...


Nah, Demon Souls was more medievalish than the souls games

>what is unity asset store
>buy $200 bucks worth of shitty assets, make $20k+ in profits from stupid children

man i would love to fuck Kanna

Riding Torrent is the best part of Elden Ring, no doubts

nah, most twitter artists are communist pedofucks tho, those are the ones you gotta be careful of
besides that, there's a plethora of artists with good taste and no woke mentality ingrained


Oh shit user my bad I'm retarded I meant to reply to this faggot have a good day

>more medievalish
>in a series of games about (medieval) dark fantasy

Why not give titties to the little ones too? What are they afraid of?

>i don't have a pc strong enough to play the GOTY
why is life like this with me

The amount of shit that's going to come out of this might be legendary.
>as a service
Confags might get turned off by the fact their show can get teared down at any moment if ulab wants to but still.

faggotry aside, unilab sounds good, minus the fact that the Devs are all jews (proven, they doxxed themselves) and we all now how those things are
either you invest in the jewish cult's new pet project and make money off your fellow patriots or you fudd the project like a true nationalist would

because you're poor from the moment you realized you didn't have money to buy everything you wanted yet you decided to do nothing about it
this is your fault

Grind harder user. Get these bags for a good pc. Play HER game.

Attached: melina.jpg (900x512, 223.23K)

>nft game
>connect wallet
>picture on screen
>pay fee
>picture on screen changes
Wow cool game