Best video WWE ever uploaded

Best video WWE ever uploaded

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Actor on a SyFy show, you say?

Been there Edge

Lookin like Doc

Jewllywood found his Doc Brown for their BTTF remake

Legit looks homeless. He needs to disappear for a while after Mania, add some body fat, and come back with short hair.

what phenotype is this?

after a certain age being this lean is actually a detriment.



Edgeheads, what went wrong?

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lmao someone really was like "yes this 14 second clip will do rupees on youtube publish that"


this is probably Vince's idea of a rib
He's gotta think Edge looks too old again

Nothing. We have championship and you have concussions. Cope.

no father figure so he became a yeti

Are these comments from bots? They look way to "weird" to be real.

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Daryl Hall should play Edge's theme song at Mania

Damn this nigger is ugly

I just looked at a few of the commentor profiles, and they actually could be plant accounts.

>A guy is actually over and loved by fans so it must be weird
I know it’s rare but Edge is actually a guy that has always been loved by the fans, especially heel Edge and he did it organically without being forced down our throats. This is a known fact.

Christian was legit always better looking. Edge was flattered by his height and long hair.