Do you ever give money to homeless people?

Do you ever give money to homeless people?

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To street performers playing instruments or doing something similar? Yes
To bums who do nothing but beg? No, I pretend they don't exist

no b/c im homeless on paper

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No, because it’s a business to whoever is keeping them there

only if they ask me especially, have decency and no one else is present there.

Yes I have. Fucking lazy homeless stupid fucks

There was a dude on my street who said he urgently needed $20 for gas and that he'd pay me back on zelle
I gave him a $20, he gave me his email, I sent him a request on zelle
It's been an hour and he still hasn't paid me back
It's weird because I kind of feel shitty about giving him the money now, if he had just asked for $20 with no promise of paying it back I wouldn't really mind and would probably feel pretty good
It's not like $20 is that significant to me but it still feels weird out of principle

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I never give money to anyone unless im buying something

I gave a guy $2 once. He saw a $50 bill in my wallet and followed me for 5 minutes begging for it.

If they look like they do drugs no, if they seem like they are down on their luck, then yes.

I like to have storable food in my truck, I ask them if they want food, if they say yes, I give them that.

No, but I always hand them multiple cigarettes instead so the problem fixes itself
I don't even smoke

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This, I only give food to people because they eithe eat it or don't. If they don't want food they can fuck off. I'm not going to give money because you know they are going to do something stupid with it and buy beer or drugs.

former homeless here

do not give people on the street or charities money. they both lie, all the time.

if you want to help someone, do it directly with a neighbor you know and with tangible things, like a new spare bed or washing machine. heat, food and being able to get washed are important.

realizing homeless people are pathetic drug addicts who should be locked up in asylums is the first step to accurately seeing the world for what it really is.

The (((media))) is constantly pushing this narrative about homelessness being the result of people not able to afford housing, and therefore should be given housing, healthcare, and every other basic need for free.

They'll also say that homelessness is all because of mental issues while ignoring the fact that most of it is substance abuse.
You give a homeless guy anything other than cash, they'll get pissed off because they can't immediately get more dope with it.
The more we give to homeless people without expecting them to work for it, the more we're encouraging their behavior and keeping them from facing the reality that doing hard drugs all day every day isn't sustainable.
It's the same reason women get wayyy more turned out than men because when they get to the end of their rope, they can always start selling their bodies/souls.

It's getting to the point where we almost need to section off a part of Nevada in the middle of nowhere and send all the addicts there to either get clean or do drugs until they die.

No. I used to but I don't care anymore.

yes it happens every time I stake a coin


If you really wanna feel like a good moralfag go do volunteer work like at a soup kitchen or animal welfare.


Not anymore. The last time I did it was 5 years ago and I immediately turned around to see that guy spend the $10 on cigarettes

never, as someone who grew up poor i quickly realized that 90-95% of homeless people are homeless because they got addicted to drugs/ didnt work or study/ are generally shitty people so they were quickly abandoned by all their family and friends.

ever since i started working i knew the importance of working hard and saving money and not wasting it on garbage so ill never end up a homeless loser

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>he doesn't tip the homeless

Sure if they suck my dick. Only an asshole doesn't pay them, that's just mean.
