I hate this world

i hate this world

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and i thought covid psyop was bad enough

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Covid is real, masks work, Russia is in the wrong

Cope and seethe, contrarian faggots

masks don't work, you fucking retard.

Go tell a surgeon about your medical revelation

>why can't people wirship russia like me???

Wow, you're so special op. You should post on r/iamverysmart

Wtf I like Russia now

Those are for flakes of dead skin and hair retard.

>wah a sovereign country should just roll over to invaders


Go choke on a cabbage Igor

i dont worship russia but i dont pretend to care about ukraine either.

But when mexicans and third worlders do it in the west, it's awesome and morally correct, amirite? Why don't those states protect their sovereignity? :^)

Gr8 b8 m8.

Are you ready to die for your country lads?

There's that phrase again: "open society."

low quality bait

no i dont give a duck about my country lmao

It's crazy how quickly every social media platform went full Ukraine propaganda.

I don't even live in my county. I hate that shithole, I hope everyone there dies besides my family and friends

>bad things happen
Wow, that's mind-blowing. Take your meds, schizo

If you aren't ready to die defending Ukraine you are a bigot that hates liberal democracy.
We are all one.

>masks work
This is bait

>dead niggers
>bad thing


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I don't really see where the bait is. If modern states want to invade they should just raise fertility in their country and slowly chuck people over the border until the other side is overrun. That is how to win in a "liberal democracy".

WEF wants this war. Cut off Russian oil and gas so people have to get onboard with the green/climate agenda.

aka buy RIDE and UUUU and such