Sanctions to hit Crypto Exchanges

Because apparently Russians hold a lot of crypto.
>Imagine not withdrawing your cryptos into a cold wallet lmao

And thanks to Journalism 2.0 they didn't mention what exchanges were under US jurisdiction or which ones were popular in Russia, so here's a list

#1 Exchange in Russia, literally who
I don't know about others, could a Sergei redpill us on the situation ?

Attached: WSJ_exchanges_block_out_russia.png (1017x324, 69.17K)

>shaniqua is going to track coinjoin + ln

Attached: 1633606974084.jpg (1000x1000, 751.85K)

FUD that shit WSJ cmon! yeah! let me buy another dip and lets do it again!

just a matter of time now

Attached: Unbenannt.png (579x306, 29.53K)

Imagine keeping your tokens on an exchange and not in a non custodial wallet with your keys and seed phrase engraved on a steel plate

How are they going to freeze a wallet outside of a cex?

Attached: 1639834629627.jpg (198x255, 8.71K)

Blacklisting addresses.

>freezing bitcoin
this isn't etherem, there's no functionality for that

I'm a crypto newfag from Mexico with non important amount of BTC on Coinbase, which comes from mining payments from NiceHash. I know about cold wallets but I'm ok with Coinbase because I could easily sell anytime I feel like it, and I don't really care about KYC as im a nobody, do I have any reason to transfer my cents to a cold wallet?

It's probably good to have atleast some if it in a wallet you control for emergencies, or if the exchange gets hacked or shuts down.

>create new wallet
>move blacklisted bitcoin onto that wallet
what now mr smartypants?

Any address downstream of a banned address is also banned.

>Any address downstream of a banned address is also banned.
I'll gladly take all of the BTC from the banned addresses.

>spam BTC transactions from blacklisted wallets to whale wallets
What now?


>russian bitcoin

Wtf lol

and then they ban your address, and you cant spend any of that bitcoin

>gives him eth, xmr, ftm, avax, link, shibainu, and/or in return for his btc
>do this back and forth a few hundred times through a smartcontract
what now?

you only hope is something like tornado cash, and even that doesn't help 100%, cuz the bitfinex hackers they just caught used it and still got caught.

If you think sending it through a bunch of "smart contracts" is going to help, you really need to do your research and stop shitposting about stuff you dont understand

if you blacklist any wallet downstream from a blacklisted wallet you're literally blacklisting the entire network. at that point no one would give a fuck

This. Make daily Any Forums airdrops

Yes, let's sell all those BTC now, so Russian billionaires can enter even cheaper LMAO.

The average American institutional investor has the brain size of a peanut.