How bad will this dump tomorrow? Putin about to get the Gaddafi ending

How bad will this dump tomorrow? Putin about to get the Gaddafi ending

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>Putin about to get the Gaddafi ending
kek, cope harder natoid cuck.

It's Sunday dimitri, go home and enjoy some poverty in your commie block.

In a month you’ll be lucky to afford a slice of bread russkie pig.

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time vil tell
sooner or later
time vil tell

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>Putin about to get the Gaddafi ending
He has nukes, not gonna happen

The history of modern Russia is one of continuously falling living standards and you STILL suck Putin's dick like the cyкa you are

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Either biz is being raided by trannies or you went full retard. The ZOG is assaulting Russia and using Ukraine as a puppet state for that purpose, like they did in Lybia, Syria and soon Iran.

Before Putin, Russia was a puppet state of the US and miserable. He actually salvaged and put back a semblance of order like other post-USSR authoritarian regimes.
Ukraine remained the only country in the region without a strong leadership, which explains why it is still completely owned by foreign mafia and miserable.

>this is your brain on dictatorial communist propaganda

Why is Ukraine so poor compared to Russia then?

Take Putin's cock out of your mouth, I can't hear you

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Not in a million years will I support the fucking russians, I don’t care what shitty FUD you make up. Go blow your commie loving brains out

Instant collapse, the fact Russia is losing the war makes it worse too. Putin has fucked his country beyond belief

How do you know they’re losing it

Based retard. Russia is due for another civil war.

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he's going to drink the KGB tea and you'll pretend that's what you wanted all along.

>Russia is getting assaulted
>while there is no foreign troops in Russia
>while the Russian military is currently invading its neighbor and attempting to overthrow its government

>nigger IQ take

Kek. Imagine being this fucking retarded.

Implying Russian propoganda is in the same league as equally oligarchal USA

This whole Ukraine thing is to distract from vaccine side effects and freedom convoy btw