Next week, unilab will reveal the final launch date for their no code platform...

Next week, unilab will reveal the final launch date for their no code platform. Do you have any clue how bullish this is for the entire world unironically? Every dick and larry will be able to enahnce their business with smart contracts.

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yeah bro, 2 m w, wait for it

>2 m w
Seems like this isn't a joke anymore, this is just the way things are, now we have to wait on the bearmarket so the ridiculous shitcoins can be more ridiculous than they already are, and give us some 'meh' product.

not needed. kill yourself

No one is actually looking foward to this thing's release to begin with lol

>more pajeets shilling their rugpulls on biz
Suuuuure, can't wait for the whole catalog to be spammed even more than it is already

Yes. I'd like to speak with the based department. I got another one

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>bsc token
Lmao if I wanted to gamble my money I'd do it on something that could potentially give me a 10x in a matter of hours instead of this shit

The absolute state of this fucking board

Keep holding those heavy VC bags, OP. Assuming this shit doesn't just pumps and dumps shortly after its """platform""" release

you have extremely low standards to call the based department. You should kill yourself NOW

>he thinks biz is actually anticipating this bullshit

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>No one is actually looking foward to this thing's release to begin with lol
Don't be so sure, there's some boomers that doesn't want to pay devs any longer, so they're looking foward to put a big piece of shit in front of their faces.

Now (You) are truly worthy of the call

>Suuuuure, can't wait for the whole catalog to be spammed even more than it is already
Don't you think it is enough? ISN'T IT ENOUGH FOR YOU? PLEASE SAY IT IS ENOUGH!!!!

>Yes. I'd like to speak with the based department. I got another one
Based department isn't so based any longer.

>y I'd do it on something that could potentially give me a 10x in a matter of hours

What I really want is the date of pic related so we can get rid of niggers like you

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Meds. Now.

You should take advantage of the hours you spend lurking in Any Forums doing something productive instead of wasting time like a fool then.

This is literally irrelevant in the practical sense since smart contracs are still a meme


It is never enough

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