/BSC/ Binance Smart Chain Meme Coins General #1:

So as a lot of you are actually realizing, Bsc meme coins are becoming bullish again.

I would kindly ask Jannies to leave this thread up, we need to discuss big money with the Any Forums bros

Attached: meme(4).png (1200x675, 899.39K)

My question is, what the fuck should we invest in?

Cats are becoming very popular among normies, so i am becoming very bullish on all the Cat Bsc meme coins.

Is that a good idea?

Here you go bud- get a fat bag of this shit and stake it and when the casino really picks up in a couple of months you’ll be golden.

Attached: 163D2A94-D5F8-432F-93CF-F4F58BD3659A.jpg (632x394, 40.67K)

honestly surprised CABO is still holding steady but hasn't mooned yet. bullish on it


BUSD reflections
diamond balls community
18K mcap
3 weeks old
survived a chinese pnd

Share address man

Definitely bullish on this one, Messiah tweeted it yesterday, after the Cat hype it could be one of the next gems necessary to have + When DOB0 is going to start Bumping again they will too!

real question: what's the end-game of people shilling shit like cabo, novo, etc?
Because if they were legitimately into shitcoin gambles, they'd be all in dogggie with bat coin, maybe a couple of others.
So what's the appeal of all these trash trash shitcoins? Like... they know shit like that is never going to get real traction with normies, so... is it a short-pump-dump strategy? Are they hoping to do a 100x on a coin that can't handle a 1000$ withdrawal?

I am seeing this one all day long on meme tools lol

Well you must be new here, i will forgive you this time

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From what I have seen observing the people behind these, a lot of it is saltiness over dog with bat coin, either having sold early or not getting in early and refusing to get in now. These people celebrate dumps of it now, all the while they keep shitting up the street with tokens that die in under a week. I can't tell you however if the pnds they do are fully intentional or just their short attention span being played out, maybe all of this combined with a touch of jealousy.

invest in all of them by farming them with CAKE
>moonshots.farm automatically farms you a new trending bsc memecoin every other day
just use your cake and hope to earn the next SHIB/SAFEMOON, couldnt be easier to make it

$BONES mc just $200k and will 5x soon

Attached: background.png (1293x965, 185.48K)

with all do respect I'm bullish on CABO because it has the strongest lp ratio to all the shitcoins so it can handle big withdraws. I'm banking on a second pump past 20-30mil

Here we are, i missed you basement dwellers :)

Can you please go spread your toxicity in your video games made for 10 yrs old kids

Serious question: what are you even doing on Any Forums?

>moonshots.farm automatically farms you a new trending bsc memecoin every other day

Wtf? i am having a look at that

lmao, more like what are you tg faggot, with your reddit spacing, doing on biz. nobody is buying your pre-pumped shit here anyways these days, nor your dead uninspired copy cat tokens.


renounced ownership, burnt liquidity forever

fibonacci won't dump or rug: 0x436e29d38f81afafa08903c5dc268b6be5722e1b

Attached: fibtxt.png (2048x2048, 93.9K)

You are definitely doing more, probably living your life here being a toxic little bad boy

>spread your toxicity
Back to plebbit, cuntlip.

Attached: 1644299071865.jpg (540x540, 95.69K)

You need to go back.

Fibonacci has a score of 1/99 in DexTool, do not touch that, it is a scam

Are you two friends? Or you are switching in between your connection data on the phone and the WIFI?

Also a scam, 1/99 Dextool score

This is the only one that has a 99/99 score on Dextool score so far