Ulab looks… extremely bullish

Ulab looks… extremely bullish..

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he's afraid of the bulls, the bears are safer

>Ulab looks… extremely
Shitty, right?


the currency is shit, but the dapp itself isn't that bad

>smart contract
>dumb guy
that's how unilab works

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OMFG a guy who knows how to separate the coin from the company, I thought they no longer existed

>that's how unilab works
every day there are more companies like unilab which promote the idea of ''why study if others can do it for me?''

one in a million.


dont buy it dont buy it dont buy it
go ahead buy it, lose money

nigga u mad

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Look at that chart dude, just looking at it puts me in depressing existentialist mood

>the bears are safer
a real bear kills you and plays with your corpse before eating you
a bear in cryptos kills your economy and plays with your feelings and will to live

I always feel safe in Bobo's arms

>extremely bullish..
unilab is a dapp that will work for projects and first-time companies with its no code smart contracts, you just have to wait for it to be open to the market, once that happens their currency will grow with it

Basically a shitcoin enabler, even so I do not recommend investing in that coin, it is dead and we do not know how long we will have to hold it until its price rises significantly.

welcome to biz user, all here are so fucking mad, IM SO FUCKING MAD RIGHT NOW AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY

Do you know what true madness is? Imagine that one day you wake up in the middle of the night and find that your house is on fire because some idiot many miles away came up with the great idea of launching a missile into the area where you live and when you leave there you realize that your mother is not there... hours pass and the only person who does not appear is her...

it's obviously not my story, but i'd go fucking mad if something like that happened to me

we r still talking about cryptocurrencies and projects, right?

Of course yes, OP. He only expressed through a comparative analogy the feeling of investing in ulab and losing everything, just when it seems that he is going to pump to the moon

CocaCola advertisers must be afraid of losing their jobs with such a level of performance, lazy faggot

Ulab is having a hype opportunity here. Maybe it's not the best time to invest. I should wait for the dip to do it

That's what I would say if ulab wasn't a shitcoin

Get it
>Ends up investing in ulab