Why no one cares about the war? Ukraine is in chaos...

Why no one cares about the war? Ukraine is in chaos, Russia demoralised and the manlet madman just keeps going screwing his nation in process

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dont believe everything you read on the internet
there is no war it's just shopped pics and screenshots of video games

Russia invades ukraine for the 50th time this past decade

kys russian bot

kek, fuck you normie, go discussing 'the trendy topics' somewhere else
>and yes, eventually you will eat ze bugs

Ukraine belongs to Russia. Always has until the fall of the Soviet Union.
It’s NATO and the Jewish elites who control Ukraine now and Putin wants to end it.

Not even NATO cares, why should i lmao


it's sad. i'm surprised that putin hasn't been assassinated yet. he's lead his country to absolute ruin.

>Why no one cares about the war?
Because war is one of the normal states of humanity. Why should I care about some old farts swinging their dicks around?
Still, good news for btc.

People care but alot of them are wondering how much of this is being blown out of proportion. I russia really invading or just taking over the Russian side of Ukraine? Sanctions from the U.S an U.K should be enough to scare the russian rich fags into line and make sure putin doesn't act up.

zoomer npc thread

Kike JIDF shill

Every time

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Based ukies and ruskies bringing the dip just in time for payday


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The same Putin thats in bed with Jewish elites?

Ukraine can't ever host US or Nato military units.
Ukraine can't ever be a part of Nato.
Ukraine can't ever threaten Russia.

Ukraine can be independent.
Ukraine can be paid for hosting Russian military and units.
Ukraine can be paid for Russia's gas pipeline.
Ukraine can go back to farming and business.

Russia has no interest in paying the pensions of the Ukrainains.
Russia doesn't want Ukraines problems or expenses.

Nigger bot

Different Jews. I’m not saying there’s not a coordinated effort between the 2. But idiots who think Ukraine is a real country ran by ethnic Ukrainians are childish morons.

Fuck off you brainwashed news zombie