Algorand / Tinyman Buying the Bottom Edition

Algorand is an ISO 20022 project that converges decentralized and traditional finance by enabling the simple creation of next generation financial products, protocols and exchange of value. ALGO holders receive 4% APY on Coinbase just for holding the token. Algorand holders can participate in Governance of the ALGO blockchain for greater APY, until all tokens unlock by 2030.

Tinyman is a decentralized trading protocol which utilizes the fast and secure framework of the Algorand blockchain, creating an open and safe marketplace for traders, liquidity providers, and developers.







>Casino Picks


TINY 378382099

STKE 511484048

BIRDS 478549868


AXLE 622341189

OCTO 559219992

tSG 507967063

LOUD 567485181

(Upcoming Projects)

ANS: Algorand Name Service

Attached: algorandecchi.png (2048x1535, 807.33K)

I got an email back from AXLE, didn't feel pajeety

Any other B voting Chads in here? Don't let the foundation shirk it's duties


A already passed. Can’t wait for the foundation to be dismantled.

neko tiny arcc opul when btc wicks to 20k

i voted B both times

also wtf is up with the algo wallet, its something else now? i bought algo around 25c so still comfy, but doubt this thing ever goes above a dollar again

>another ethereum sidechain shitcoin
What's the point of Algorand existence? I know the founders and insiders all got rich, but everyone else got screwed. Fuck this coin

Voted for slashing last time
Voted for A this time
Whales and exchanges want what I want: some fucking profit.

what is axle
its called pera wallet now, not sure why. also the rebranding doesnt look finished

>Pera has the ability to remove assets
About friggin' time. Can finally clean some shitcoins out of the casino wallet

Should I sell my algostake guys? I made a x9 at these levels but the mcap is still kind of low and who knows what will happen in a few months.

New project, ASA is 622341189 and website is, I'm getting strong tiny/stke vibes.
Always take some profit.

i personally find algostake kind of suspicious think it might be a huge elaborate scam

been hedging against algo with reddit on tSG 507967063

Get out now

Has everybody gotten their gen1 octo primes in time for the gen2 release?

Ok I took my initial investment but I'm going to leave the rest there just in case. Honestly I don't care anymore my overall portfolio is already bleeding like a whore.

I’ve been holding for the past month and I believe I applied for the free Gen 2. Shame I haven’t made the word I wanted yet but I’ll get there eventually : )

>shirk its duties

Giving away algo to useless causes
Let's get some fucking profit ffs quit giving away ALGO to nothingburgers

Algomint governance token launches in March bros