For a well spent 5 decades on earth, this is probably the shittiest chart I've seen...

For a well spent 5 decades on earth, this is probably the shittiest chart I've seen. 140% lower than the entry price and 430% lower than the ATH.

Attached: SC762265_21973.jpg (936x639, 113.65K)


What did you expect?

i could sell this for an nft Op

market picking up gradually shitcoins still very much down below. reasons why you should always ignore shitcoins and buy only Alts with usecases. investors played themselves

BTC didn't pump it's shit coin kek.

lmao. newfag

biz fag have seen worse

what has team being doing all this while? when will the use case speak for this project. i said i'm here for the tech but i can't bear seeing my investment go for vanishing my hands and weak and i might just move on

dont retards buy anything these days. baka

I learned that the hard way

Kek. Thanks for the money this cycle, Mr "for the tech".

>For a well spent 5 decades on earth
how'd you know it's well spent user? you prolly fucked only one bitch all your life cuz you married her

>market picking up gradually shitcoins still very much down
My shitcoins are pumping buy #smartcabs

>140% lower than the entry price and 430% lower than the ATH
Imagine getting your calculator out for something called FATOSHI. Accept your loss and move on with your life ffs.

Are you fucking serious user, buy the fucking dip and hodl!!! good projects always face heavy dumps from whales. Muh products coming up this weekend first the partnership with a top20 coin already confirmed and ready to be announced week end. More buys coming soon just relax and enjoy your BTC rewards till moon

Shitcoins have come and gone, but the mania continues. There's always one lurking around the corner. Some individuals believe that shitcoins make cryptocurrency more accessible, but I disagree. All a shitcoin can do, in my opinion, is pump and dump on new investors. It's always a case of take from Peter, give to Paul, until there's no more Peter to take from. In some cases, dev removes liquidity. They are a total bs and deserve no attention at all.

OP didn't say he was married tho

team performed some promotion before the launch and received 3x in the beginning, then 2x throughout the AMA build up.
Gains aren't awful at all.
Now we have product releases coming out next month and the month after that, which will be preceded by additional marketing
So sit back and relax; Fatoshi is first cross-chain marketplace this is an opportunity to buy at discount.
This is a long-term investment.
Crypto is for those that have a lot of patience.

did someone say xrp?


Chart does not look anything near good. Dev is prolly MIA atm hahaha


Bag some Algo and hodl. Sell 2025.

Not yet over user. liquidity still intact. will take huge marketing and products to get back to ATH and moon endlessly

Satoshi not good at shitcoin lmfao, Bitcoin was a luck.

Xrp is a gem

wait for bullrun