What made you realize there won't be a housing market crash even with interest hikes?

What made you realize there won't be a housing market crash even with interest hikes?

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a brain. It's a supply and demand issue. Not a bubble issue. Boomers vote to not build housing and want to keep increasing the price of housing.

Constant waves of beaners pouring in over the border

why does the government not allocate areas where they can build slums to house like millions people outside of cities? it would solve all the homelessness on out clean city streets.

>interest hikes

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there will reach a time when demand becomes non existent though when prices get too high.

>when prices get too high.
which is now

*outbids you by 500k*

When I realized that there is just too much money in the world nowadays. 2007 crash only happened because everyone was literally leveraged to the tits with no income no job no asset mortgages being handed out like candy. At most house prices will decline maybe 10-15% from at the peak because of rising interest rates but nothing more.

Even after the dot com bubble crashed and stocks fell for a few years house prices still increased during that time period

House prices are simply a function of monthly mortgage payments compared to average income and that's been steady. House prices are increasing but interest rates are low and everyone is making fucktons of money nowadays

Let's ruin more land!

>not a bubble
Lol homes get overvalued due to speculation and you're saying it's not a bubble. Okay.

Why would you do some that would be unpopular with old people (who gain from asset price increases and vote)?

That's anti-semitic

there will. investors, blackrock, etc. are playing pump-and-dump with the housing market

How are homes “overvalued”? The government printed a fuck ton of money, families got tens of thousands of dollars in stimulus and unemployment shit, they used it on a down payment.

If houses are selling too quickly because buyers are overbidding, that's a clear sign that there's plenty of room for further price increases. Just because you're priced out doesn't mean the prices can't still go much much higher, and there's no reason for them to ever go down

>40% of polled renters say they're moving over prices
>literally no reason for prices to ever go down
sure keep dooming

>He thinks the real estate market is 1 single, giant asset.

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There’ll be plenty of houses, starting in about 2 weeks when the vaxxies start to die off

Last market crash in 2008. People don't sell their house because the price goes down.


2 more weeks! No wait, 2 more months! No wait, 2 more years! No wait, 2 more generations!

>How are homes “overvalued”?
It's called flipping. The fact that real estate is a business to begin with means there's going to be flipping which in turn overvalues an asset farther than it would be otherwise. It may have intrinsic value, but it's also treated as a speculative asset.
>The government printed a fuck ton of money, families got tens of thousands of dollars in stimulus and unemployment shit, they used it on a down payment.
people said the same about bitcoin. Something having intrinsic value doesn't mean it's fair value is "infinity".

>spent stimmies on down-payment
>stimmie was less than $15k
Kill yourself Boomer. I'm buying your property once you default on the bank or your kids sell after you die.
Either one happens within this calendar year.

You know what though.. this probably isn't the right way to look at it either.. healthcare is expensive and people are still paying a lot due to the demand for healthcare (businesses can exploit their customers aka injured people due to the immense leverage. They can abuse people all they want. Real estate might be similar in that sense. Where people want a home so bad that they don't care about the price and will continue to buy which in turn will continue to make homes even more unaffordable).

It seems the only real solution is just homes being created in mass. Homes being a scarce asset at this point in time is fucking americans up nasty. Real issue is the fact that real estate can be treated as a business to begin with. They should be depreciating assets to avoid abuse, but that will never happen.

Also increasing supply of homes in itself isn't enough either as it can be just as monopolized if those in power buy and scoop up the new supply (which they would in fact do).
That means the only solution really would be to have them be treated as depreciating assets the same way a car would be. Homes should just be priced off of the material and labor. It shouldn't be for profit. Making it for profit just fucks the masses.