How am I supposed to afford a house at this rate

How am I supposed to afford a house at this rate.

Attached: meirl.webm (900x850, 1.72M)

What do you think about niggers?

you're not, that's the point

you team up with someone else and get a mortgage

I don't want to e married to a whore (all women)

do you know what a mortgage is? it's a massive loan

then get married to man (male)

what a retard

who is this?

Is this peak incel?

is this the one that was busted for being on drugs?

I think he means marrying someone and have them pay half

anna she won gold at the olympics

God that looks awkward, the way she's trying to avoid looking at the camera.

Attached: 1426339010887.png (156x166, 3.12K)

Just be born to millionaire parents, it's easy.

no that was kamila

Attached: annajumps.webm (576x850, 2.83M)

You're not. You're supposed to move somewhere else cheaper and retire 10-20 years ahead of schedule instead of slaving away in a shitty western suburb.

> somewhere else cheaper and retire 10-20 years ahead of schedule
retirement is entirely dependent on how much you wanna spend later


>go all-in Bitcoin, keep piling paychecks in until you have a down payment
>rent, go all-in Bitcoin, and leave the country for the developing world once you have enough to secure a steady income
>get a tech job

Unless you plan to get a fantastic income in tech, your only option is crypto. If you're not all-in at this point I don't know what to tell you other than to enjoy the pod.

Is BTC the best crypto to buy? Why not ETH or ADA?

take the opportunity to save more moneyzz

Attached: 1645293413781.jpg (1024x620, 70.2K)

imagine the people who started this whole scam. they must be looking at this shit and saying. holy fuck i can't believe i got the whole world wearing cuck masks.

>send your children to Govt indoctrination camps
No thanks.