Oh no no no linkbro

Attached: 8653464A-B318-4677-93E1-DDF4CFC4EC03.jpg (1125x657, 106.68K)

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Mom brought liink to us and left. I don’t feel so good

more like they realized she’s just trying to pump her bags and they fired her for trying. Chainlink labs can shill all they want but they’ll never go over $20 ever again lmao.

Inb4 Christine Moy announced as advisor to Chainlink and we dump another 50%.


Attached: christone moy wgmi.png (528x81, 5.09K)

I can't tell if you are dumb enough to think this is bad news for link or if you are just fudding

i think about suicide

Rumor is she will be taking on a C-level position at Chainlink labs, similar to what Mike Derezin did

They can't stop stealing our memes, they are the niggers of memes.

it's reverse FUDing so I guess you would call it shilling, or meta-shilling, or perhaps even breadcrumbs worded as FUD.

Failed trader goes to work in product, fails there, leaves! Many such cases.

she was in smartcon. also pic related.

Attached: 1535162012427.jpg (1152x2746, 724.21K)

kek it's so obvious. An adviser on a 500k salary paid for by stinkies. Thanks for playing.

Also, zero hedge is confirmed psyop

where do you think she's going?

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a personal island paid for with gains from dumping on stinklets

According to who? The trannies at VICE?

I feel nauseous

ffs pls no

You may not remember me, but I am the Labs employee who talked about a high profile female exec.