Serious /bizness men only

What are they trying to hide? We KNOW this is mostly a nothing burger.
>something is insolvent ?
>Weird laws passed to take away rights?
>aliens signing accords?
Or Worse...
It's truly a nothing burger, and you will continue to live a small quiet life until death.


Energy crisis?
Warren Buffet going long on neets?

ukraine is rus'

It’s about oil. The Nordstream project got cancelled and Ukraine is the only way Russia can sell their oil.

Attached: 848DE970-DD95-412D-A25B-CAFB0DD300D8.jpg (1170x1425, 474.49K)


Insane money printing has been global, not only in USA. Also China's economic situation is basically Enron level.
They are trying to hide an already failing Russian economy meeting the next global recession.

uhhhhh crimea has been de facto part of russia for years now

Think about it. Why the fuck are NATO and US in Ukraine in the first place? To liberate them from the evil Ruskies? Lmao the truth is no one gives a shit about that third world shithole in the first place. And with all this happening the oil price is mooning, after US became the world leading oil exporter. (((Coincidence)))?

Attached: D6638634-3566-4EE5-8498-1E0EADDD203B.jpg (1170x1170, 201.54K)

>What is nordstream 1

deflation. we're coming in 20 years of the 1980s

Pretty sure that got shut down. If not it will be shut down soon. It’s over for Russia

Ukraine govt is a CIA installed puppet regime put in place, at least partly, to enrich the families of US leaders.

It's to create a new narrative in europe for the cause of inflation. Blame Russia instead of shitty government decisions influenced by bad science.
>oh no ruskies made energy expensive, now granny will freeze to death

It's not cancelled, it's already complete. They're just saying they're not going to use it now but this winter is pretty much over and let's see what they say next winter

So all that's happening is because of Oil? Couldn't they sell it to China or any other Asian country?

I can see deflation being a thing, but is this 'crash' going to be that bad or is it a slight correction?

Crimea is a part of Russia, not Ukraine. Fix the map

I’m murky on the details but my point still stands

Biden, Pelosi, John Kerry, and a few others had a YUGE grift in Ukraine. Do you not remember their color revolution?

Fucking retard. Both Nordstream pipelines are completed. This is information you can find out in 10 seconds. No wonder you retards on here are broke.

Not if they want to be fucked economically by US.
>if you buy Russian oil I’ll never buy your hentai magazines.
Plus, just imagine how much America is making right now.

It got temporary stop. Germans will restart it, when tensions drop.

Russia is a border region of Ukraine. Kiev Rus' are the actual Russians.

Cancelled, delayed, banned, who gives a flying fuck you autistic shithead? The result is still the same. But you never got that point across in your mongoloid brain.

Because Ukraine asked them to be there.

Cвoбoдный Кpым Free Crimea Oбщeнaциoнaльныe poccийcкиe пpoтecты 2001 гoдa The nationwide Russian protests of 2001 Apecт Aлeкceя Haвaльнoгo The Arrest of Alexei Navalny Бopьбa пpoтив лeвых The Anti-Leftist Struggle Пpиpoдный гaз, иcпoльзyeмый в кaчecтвe пoлитичecкoгo opyжия Natural Gas used as a political weapon Пepвaя чeчeнcкaя вoйнa First Chechen War Ухyдшeниe cocтoяния Хpyщeвкaкa Mass Khrushchyovka Deterioration Coвeтизaция Sovietization Oлигapхи Oligarchs Кoэффициeнт К/Д Бaйpaктap TB2 и C-300 K/D ratios of Bayraktar TB2 to S-300 Яблoкo Yabloko Дeдoвщинa Dedovshchina Bхoдящaя в cocтaв Чeчeнcкoй Pecпyблики The Constituent Republic of Chechnya Aлжиp oткaзывaeтcя oт иcтpeбитeлeй Mиг-29 MiG-29s rejected by Algeria Teмпы иcтoщeния poccийcкoй бpoнeтeхники в Чeчнe Russian armor attrition rates in Chechnya Глacнocть Glasnost михaил cepгeeвич Гopбaчeв Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev Пьяный Eльцин Drunk Yeltsin кpyшeниe пepвoгo cepийнoгo Cy-57 Crash of first production model of Su-57 T-14 "Apмaтa" cнoвa зaдepживaeтcя T-14 Armata delayed again Кaтacтpoфa пoдвoднoй лoдки "Кypcк" Kursk submarine disaster

(((They’)))re just going to recycle the shit out of it every year or so. This is fucking lucrative.

>American mutt thinks slavs play the same nothing burger game
They will kill eachother for years

Bull market is about to resume. Wars are bullish for markets.

>We KNOW this is mostly a nothing burger.
starting to have doubts about this, Putins speech was odd, he basically said that Ukraine isn't a nation, it doesn't function as a nation and never has been, since Lenin created it.
This was a speech intended for the home audience, and the casus belli he constructed for intervention in the "civil war" was basically conquest/annexation of the entirety of Ukraine.

I don't really care about Ukraine/Russia, but it certainly looks like this might be a prolonged conflict and Russia seems more ambitious in what they can get out of it, than i previously imagined.

Its true, Tartarians were genocided

>Drunk Yeltsin
It was sea food allergy, he abstained from alcohol his entire life.

Putin's full speech with translations has been completely scrubbed from the internet. Somebody doesn't want people to listen to Putin himself.