Im balls deep in memecoins and looking for launches. FrogeX launches tonight which is going to blow up...

Im balls deep in memecoins and looking for launches. FrogeX launches tonight which is going to blow up. Any other good launches coming up?

Attached: 2C85CD81-C6EF-4EF3-81F5-FD004B3D13AC.png (640x640, 311.9K)

What is frogeX and why is it needed? What was wrong with the first froge scam?

presale scam where you buy on launch day and everyone who bought before launch day at a 100x discount gets to immediately dump on you

It's an evoluation of Froge - the old contract was renounced (by its members).
Think of it as a different model, updated features.

I’m asking for other good launches lol

Why would the discount be 100x.
People can only sell to those willing to buy.
Thus, if 100x is the difference, then people's expectation of value is 100x.

The group running this ponzi are try hards. Been following them. They have some partnerships. A decent idea. A decent meme name.
If you gamble shitcoins..

What’s your favourite flavour of crayon ? The “presale” has simply been purchasing and hodling the v1 Froge. There will be no 100x Launch price. The v2 (FrogeX) will start off where v1 Froge left off.

Attached: 2E814992-4307-44A0-A56F-88496EEDF83C.png (641x582, 416.19K)

Fake it till you make it

And what exactly was it where it left off? Chart doesn't look good.

Not sure why my id changed wtf

Check out ETHNOTES they had an antibot launch it was pretty epic. Still under 1mil mcap.

>What’s your favourite flavour of crayon ?
>The “presale” has simply been purchasing and hodling the v1 Froge. There will be no 100x Launch price. The v2 (FrogeX) will start off where v1 Froge left off.
True. Any change in valuation reflects Frogex's utility.


I think the 100x might be an exaggeration, it's usually not that much, typically it's like a 10% discount. I've been following a lot of pinksale presales lately and memecoins are the worst performing of the lot, almost all of them dump straight away and don't recover. Reflection tokens do a little bit better, the non meme ones. Gaming tokens are doing ok but they're not usually on pinksale. Pretty much 90% of the tokens that have some kind of tax are doing terribly, probably because there's way too many of them for the amount of people trading lately

>Not sure why my id changed wtf
Mods are Gods!
Am I doing this right???

The liquidity was removed to move it over to v2. It will start off at the price before the big red candle.

Attached: FE339AB0-B9E2-4EBF-B2E4-19B942D995FB.jpg (1242x1868, 476.09K)

>Im balls deep in memecoins
It's a bear market, enjoy hold your ponzi shitbags for life.

Attached: 1645505764481.webm (640x640, 1.95M)

I don't think that they know what this word means

The tax may be too high, especially for the ability to transact in the token'

Just became a FROGE whale for only $120.

I don't think crypto is really a ponzi, because the people that buy early aren't necessarily the ones that make the most money, for example if you buy on day one and then on day two the price is way down and other people buy then they're getting a better deal than you did, which isn't really how a ponzi works

I see, looks like there's still a way to go to ATH from the starting price, so might ape in once it launches. When will it happen?

>I see, looks like there's still a way to go to ATH from the starting price, so might ape in once it launches. When will it happen?
Soon TM

Go back on the original chart and see the huge PnD. This coin is dead, the relaunch is a cope to try to get away from the ugly chart so bagholders can dump.

Yeah a lot of meme coins now have a ridiculous tax of like 15%+ and no reflections, some might go to liquidity and most goes to a marketing wallet. Then they just do totally shit marketing or no marketing at all and the token dies and the devs leave with a huge marketing wallet they never used, it's a pretty common scam lately. Most devs seem to have no idea or experience with marketing anyway so giving them big marketing budgets just gets wasted on junk when instead they could have a much lower tax which reduces the risk for buyers so more buyers are likely to buy

Sure, could be rugged... But have you examined the coin's activities?

>the people that buy early
>if you buy on day one
if you're "buying on day one", you're not early.

Makes sense.
DAOs have areas to improve

Sometime in the next few hours/days
Cringe. Baggies got off on the big pump back in October. Everyone left wants to see Froge move past that weak halfassed cut short pump in May.

Attached: 55CDCA29-1624-47CC-BCDF-DAD2F33E2C37.jpg (1242x1865, 1.18M)

It’s not a rug. It was pumped and dumped hard when it first came out. Now bagholders are trying to cope with a dead project, so the devs do a relaunch to get a new graph and hope for a new PnD. Many coins do this now.

Lol sounds like a rug to me

Ok, then people that buy from five to ten minutes might get a better deal than the people that buy from zero to five minutes, same example. All I'm saying is that with a ponzi the earlier you get in the more money you make, but with crypto it doesn't really work that way

Dinger already launched but i made 2x on it and it keeps going up so you should check it out