Ubisoft CEO says the metaverse is the evolution of today's gaming

Tell me again how we’re entering a bear marketj. In reality, it appears more likely that you can buy any half-decent metaverse coin and make a boat load of money

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Check the bitcoin chart and tell me how we're not entering the bear market.

>Ubisoft CEO

that's a straight indicator to ignoring this shit

Because no one is actually going to use the Metaverse, let alone pay a bunch of money inside it

>Ubisoft CEO says

OMG the heckin CEO of Ubisoft? Oh boy I thought it was a bear market but I'm ready to invest my life savings now, just need to wait until the CEO of Activision Booby Jewtick chimes in until I take out a 100k personal loan for this

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I'm not sure where do you see start of a bear market here

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fuck the metaverse

How about we fuck in the metaverse?

Also the fact the people who have been around have had enough around metaverse and understand that even though it's going to take a while to develop, there's also a lower number of adopters and way lesser usecases for real life that people would use

you, me, vr headsets, virtual restaurant, think about it ;)

It loooks great in theory but when it comes to actually doing it and using it - it's going to be really complex and difficult

And I should care because?

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>Tell me again how we’re entering a bear market
Who told you this?

Maybe he's fucked your mom



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Didn't the marketing manager of Metaverse get caught grooming children recently?

wow why am i not shocked one bit?

>jewish CEO buys a few million in meta stock
>says some dumb shit about meta being cool
>dumps on retail retards

I'd buy but which ones? MANA or SAND??? pls respond

This has nothing to do with cryptos, that's the whole point.

Welcome to the Metaverse, kiddos.

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>lesser usecases for real life that people would use
i don't think anyone cared about usecases in the first place kek

>it appears more likely that you can buy any half-decent metaverse coin and make a boat load of money
Unironically true, but you gotta be smart to invest into something sustainable.
Maybe like something that will be able to integrate the physical world with the metaverse, maybe like Dropp or some other ones

>t. linear chartcel

you don't see how that's rolling over? The whole economy is tanking. Crypto-maxis are going to wasted. Hope you at least have some cash set aside for the bear market bottom of $7-$11k.

it's always after this that the bear market sneaks in, like the ex you tried to banish but found sneaky ways to stick around

You must be real stupid to think memecoin season is going to last
everything is over

it is alll over

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is that the name of the pattern?


>you can buy any half-decent metaverse coin and make a boat load of money
we know. You're late to the party, you can't sit with the cool kids

atleast she stayed..

why you blind fuck?

this isn't high school mam grow the fuck up

This. Ubisoft? Let me know when they make another farcry where im not forced to kill thousands of my Christian neighbors... And bring back gun malfunctions + derelict firearms.

kek you delusional fucker, the biggest companies are ready to spend huge amounts of monies and invest in the metaverse.

Get your facts straight


there's people already doing it, are you living under a rock?

what now?

i suck at reading charts ser i'm sorry...

>invest in the metaverse
give me a 1-3 sentence explanation of the metaverse please. I just assumed it was second-life with VR goggles, and built-in zuck bucks that are centralized shitcoins.

How is this wrong?

bugisoft google maps looks ugly

Dropp is definitely one of the most solid metaverse projects out there

well, you're not that far from it

Unironically this looks a thousand times better than dropp

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They don't even have the beta finished don't fuck around

>btc crabbing around at 38k
Do you see ghosts, user?

this doesn't mean anything, the project still can be very promising

>tfw you walk all day when you could be virtually walking in a city that looks like a Nintendo 64 game and at 15fps

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its going to take YEARS, ngmi