What advice would you give to a 20 year old user?

What advice would you give to a 20 year old user?

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Study and get a Stem degree. You will be a millionaire by 30.

Black people are mentally stronger than white people


Forget about advices of people who want to show you how smarter or better in life they are.

My question is, why did you make this thread?

I want to develop a skill or try to make a little money on the side. I'm just not sure where to start

regularly save into btc and find a job involving some aspect of crypto.

Think about how could you enhance one skill to be able to make money with it. That's a way to start.

The internet’s only purpose is for skill acquisition

>What advice would you give to a 20 year old user?
You are going to live probably the worst generation in 100 years. Remember that it's not your fault.

never go on /gif/ Any Forums or Any Forums

Never gib up fren

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Read the four pillars of investing and put some of your savings into the S&P 500 or boomer stocks.

remove all addictions from your life because they fuck with your reward system. you will always be stuck doing short term gratification things. you cannot have both long and short term gratification
find out what you're good at and do that. and do not take the vaccine ffs

Don’t Gamble. You will loose.

lift, don't spend all you earn, find some kind of outdoors or manual activity you enjoy.
that's all there is to it, really.
t. oldfag

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Don’t listen to people with consumer debt. Run, don’t walk from their opinion.
Everyone isretarded. Even people making 150k/yr in a nice car will begin to disgust you once you realize they have terrible money issues. The gluttony never ends.
Max your debt for assets. Not consuming. The retards here even tell you to lease a car but they have 30k in student loans still DONT LISTEN TO BROKE PEOPLE

Thanks for the advice guys, i appreciate it

Take care of your teeth, go to dentist a couple of times a year and get a regular check up. Sounds kinda dumb but I didn't go to the dentist for years when I was younger because I was afraid it was going to cost me heaps of money I didn't have. Ended up going eventually and I had $3k worth of repairs that needed to be done, and my teeth are super shitty and decay easily now because I didn't brush and floss frequently enough as a teenager (turns out brushing twice a day and flossing only occasionally isn't good enough, brush three times a day and floss every single day). Don't drink fizzy or a lot of juice.

Don't catch feelings for a woman unless you have enough assets stacked to generate a handsome passive income, and never let her know how much you're worth or how much cash flow you've got coming in. Even if they do have true feelings for you, they will always want a slice of the pie and it should never be your job to keep them moneyed.

Don't get complacent in what you do for a living, and always be looking for a new branch to swing to. Look into whether it provides you with better remuneration, has better career potential down the line, or whether it provides you with a better balance than what you have now. I'd highly advise pursuing a degree in a high demand and challenging field in a technical sense that weeds out a lot of the competition with natural attrition. If you're not all that smart, you'll have to work harder... if you're around average intelligence, there's not much point trying to compete with the gigabrains, do a trade instead and earn as much as you possibly can while you're young and healthy, smash it all into income generating assets, and grow your passive income stream.

Take care of your health. Eat healthy and do cardio. Throw in lifting as well if you want - IMO cardio is really important for keeping you fit, lifting I find more beneficial for mental health and confidence. Personally I run 5km every second day, and on alternating days I go to the gym and do some lifting. It's difficult to begin with but it eventually becomes such a routine that I kinda feel like a day is incomplete if I haven't had a run or been to the gym. It'll also help you sleep better. Don't binge drink too hard either. I think it's okay to have a night out with some friends occasionally, but you don't want to become one of these people that smashes out big drinking sessions every single weekend, you'll age quicker and it'll make you fat (especially beer).

Re. women again... don't waste your time with one if you feel like she ain't it. I settled for a relationship with a girl that I'm just not all that crazy about. She's cute and she adores me but it just doesn't feel all that special to me. XKCD is kinda >goback stuff but I feel this one illustrates it kinda well:
For me it was meeting someone at work who from day one of meeting them, I felt things I had never felt before. You'll just know. Also, all that shit I said before? That's really important stuff for making yourself good enough for them.

t. 26 year old user who has made far too many mistakes in life.

socialize if you decide to go to college and go to career fairs
t. 24yr old neet who didn't and has been unemployed since graduation