Milton friedman general

1. How many dollars has the US really printed since 2018?

2. What is the actual inflation % compared to reported?

Mandatory viewing:

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This thread will go ignored because most people on this website on brain dead zoomers and low IQ third world shitskins

Idk but please go on. I know it’s a shitload

Where I live:
Gas price is up 80%.
Electricity is up 30%.
Food is up 40%
IKEA just increased their prices with 30% average on all items.

These are just numbers I know. Why does the governmant claim inflation is single digit?

Where do you live
Gotta tldw for a cuntfriend?

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it doesn't matter because a fuck ton of them are held outside the US by the rest of the world

Norway. Tried looking up how much NOK has been printed, but data is released per month and havent had time to add everything together. I also know nothing of economics.

Why doesn't Any Forums want to actually discuss finance? No threads about the Credit Suisse scandal either

I think gas prices are the root of all of this. Maybe things will recover a bit once production rises again but idk. For Norway I would prices to go up even more depending on how much oil you get from Russia.

all that is because of the climate change agenda on top of the covid bullshit
forced vaccinations
truckers on strike
ports closed and backed up to oblivion
you just have shortages and stupid politicians
additionally, the oil price is up so transport costs are tagged on to the goods
you can thank biden voters really, they did this, i hope they like it

In Texas gas isn’t up nearly that much and general prices aren’t nearly as extreme as where you are.

We have several climate change taxes on gas. They total to 60% of the price. Current price is about 19 NOK/1.88 Euro per liter = 8 USD per gallon

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Image is what we export btw. Imagine how poor we would have been without oil or if our salmon had parasites like japan.

Attached: 2022-02-22 11_12_00-japan salmon - Google Search.png (526x122, 9.08K)

itt no one watched the video.
The only thing that causes inflation is GOVERNMENT SPENDING AND THE SUPPLY OF MONEY!!!!! Also the time delay is historically 18 months to two years.
Now ask yourselves. How long has it been since money printer go burr meme was first seen???

They changed the way they calculate inflation in order to obfuscate the numbers. Probably to avoid an outright panic.

Everyone with a triple digit IQ knew exactly what would happen when they turned the moneyprinter to full speed after the march 2020 crash, which is why asset prices across the board skyrocketed. Despite the Fed claiming the entire time that inflation was not and would not be a problem

>Chicago school
Go read Hayek and Mises you faggot

Richard Werner the econ professor
proved that money printer is a meme
Bank loans create dollars
the muh money printer go burr makes some feel like they know something but repeating
nonsense is self incrimination of their ignorance to those who
know better.Understanding bank balance sheets and the laws that govern them is MOST IMPORTANT/biz/ RIGHT NOW.
now go get your fuckin shine box!!!!!

We know money printer is a meme shit for brains. It simply explains the fact that the government spent a shit load of money that they DID NOT HAVE. you don’t need a fuckin London school of economics degree to realize that it’s going to have negative effects on prices.

> I also know nothing of economics.
Don't worry. Neither do economists

Dead people voted biden

loans are the money printer dummy that's how they distribute newly minted dollars through the economy.

why are the le secret geniuses here always incapable of forming complete, coherent sentences. you come across as retarded and i would never take anything you say seriously