It happens today

It happens today.
Be prepared.

Attached: ICP.jpg (400x400, 19.22K)

Other urls found in this thread: (from:dominic_w)&src=typed_query&f=top

the day this project dies? Even with btc integration coming which should be bullish as fuck it wont matter because the whole entire market will be red. ICP is CURSED with the worst timing out of any project I've ever seen.

Literally at all time low at the moment. This project has the absolute fucking worst timing in history. I'm still buying though, fuck it I bought 20 more today at $17.50.

>hehe my super bowl... they wont see it coming
>heheh my 2/2/22 hehehe this time for sure hehhehheuuuhuuu

The number 222 represents the Holy Trinity – God the Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit

nothing is happening. so sick of these type of posts.

Why not 111 or 333?

Yeah, it absolutely fucking surreal.

It's going to be a long time before we start seeing some hardcore bullish momentum



Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-21 11.03.37 PM.png (1476x100, 18.69K)

What's the next date einstein's? I'm ready to buy on the next date you fags predict.

I finally off myself ? Still sitting on 104 coins @ 58.

I have 2300 at around $58
I feel like offing myself

Moonman you chink let's have a chat where are you my friend?
Turns out ICP BTC chart shares the same chart with braintrust and biconomy other VC scam projects.

im sitting around 2k as well, I know this project will take off but I don't know if I have another 3-5 years left in me.

its finally going to 0?

dumped already for holoride. WAGMI.

Did moon man get you too?

I can make up the loss in two years waging for schlomo shekelsteinburg but it's a loss of a capital and time. Sorry if you have cancer or whatever or if you just hate waging like I do.

>Did moon man get you too?

Yep bought in at 45-50$ Its too late for me to go into college and I don't really feel like being a wagie and getting the jab.

Waging is the fucking worst I hate it.
I still can't figure out if I got scammed by VCs or if ICP is actually good coin that will do next crypto bull run.

When is this piece of shit going to bottom?

$7 is the absolute bottom. I’m still buying more and more.

It's either going to hit sub 5$ and die this bear market or hold on and melt faces next cycle. There is no middle ground. Projects need money and I'm afraid that the futures manipulation at the price open might have completely killed this project. I'm against it being a scam as it actually has a working product and dom is pretty vocal about the manipulation + Vital said dominic isnt a scammer. (from:dominic_w)&src=typed_query&f=top

you can take a look yourself and decide.

something to give you/us confidence is that DFINITY has been running since 2016 or so, so it's really a 5-6 year old project, it only went public in May 2021. Like you said you can never know for sure but I think it will be around next bull run and go into the stratosphere. It'll have stood the test of time and look attractive because of the retarded early price action. At that point people will look at things like BTC/ETH integrations and the working product with insanely low fees. I think it will be big over the next few years.I see BTC going to 20k or so and I think ICP will hit single digits in bear market, maybe $5 or so.

The good thing is even if the above plays out there'll be time to slowly accumulate over 2 years or so and legitimately make it next bull run.It won't be that hard to hit 1,000 to 2,000 ICP.

I also think ICP can be similar to LINK and perform well in the bear market out of cycle, again because of early retarded price action. It'll follow BTC for the most part but could pump out of the ordinary randomly later this year or 2023.