Honest question: If you can get 1566.7372% APR shorting on USDC with any perp dex like matrix...

Honest question: If you can get 1566.7372% APR shorting on USDC with any perp dex like matrix, why bother with regular trading/scalping?

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For context

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Show me step by step how to do this

its basically just shorting on matrix, you need for people to spoonfeed you that badly?

They made a tutorial on how to short on their platform
some people need to learn first, and that's fine

Holy shit just did this and I am a billionaire now.

there's something evidently wrong with that

im not joking here, how the fuck would you do this? What, if i put 10k i will get 150K shorting on USDC?
Far more people would be using the platform if that were the case

>just invest 1 M brah

>return from your awesome dick sucking trip
>say you sucked about 1566.7372% penises

Attached: 16243383454211.jpg (799x720, 56.74K)

Est. Funding 0.1788%

i will need that dilator for OP's anus, thank you very much

>it's a stablecoin
>it will never go down
>of course you would get so much apr from it

you'd have to be a special kind of stupid to think this VARIABLE rate is going to last. The more people climb into this vehicle, the lower the rate goes. Good job reducing your APR, retard, unless you're just shilling the dex...
How new are you?

OP is clearly a newfag, i've seen a lot of people from twitter suddenly getting into /biz and /a

literally the only good thing about the matrix is the nuke button wtf
who cares about the numbers?

we're having an invasion of fags lately

free money air drop available. just join "koleecoin" on tg and post your bsc address.

and you would only use that like... once a year?

once per bear market, give or take

that actually.. doesn't look bad at all