Definition of free (Entry 1 of 3)

>Definition of free (Entry 1 of 3)
1 : not costing or charging anything

How tf is it free when you have to buy the jpegs before you get it?

Attached: comic.jpg (863x1280, 189.06K)


>How tf is it free when you have to buy the jpegs before you get it?
What are you talking about OP. NFTs?

you're buying jpegs for anime?

Kek Nft gradually losing it's usecase, why tf will i mint a jpeg for a common comic book, who tf is this project creator.

Blind faggot
i bet u not putting on your glasses

nfts ever had a usecase? hype? celebrity mints? connected dev? is that usecase to you user?

Finally Biz fags can put an end to the trolls of how Crypto girlfriend is not doing anything on the project and working on other projects AMA Nft market place and comic book almost done and ready for release.

Right click + save

such optimism haha. wish your dad had such trust in your mom, you wouldn't have ended up with a single mom.


Attached: 1622846190717.png (720x960, 353.35K)

What company send u here?

Attached: 1631229682847 (2).png (992x2008, 182.42K)

>How tf is it free when you have to buy the jpegs before you get it?
Hey! do you or do you not pay taxes?

Now as airdrop on paybswap NFTs marketplace.

Attached: 1643542451892s.jpg (125x125, 3.03K)

What company send u here?

Attached: 1624991247658.png (1354x756, 82.23K)

Your mum


I see nfts being hyped with some forced utility. Nfts are mere art, and they shouldn't be used for anything else. You can't pay for gas, rent, or education with art. All it would be is digital art. It's not necessary to be a nerd about it. Don't feel bad that you have no investment in nfts, it's an absolute mirage.

you buy a coin to enjoy it's utility, why is it different with nft? I thought we all agreed on owning at least one nft. i'm still holding my degen ape btw

mumus like being controlled by the govt, they think the govt provides security. we fucking own the govt

idgaf what happens.

i'm confident with with my buys. i hold cryptogirlfriend nft and i can enjoy access to both digital and physical comic book. that's exclusive to holders.

if this goes wrong, it still wouldn't count as the dumbest shit i've done.

just scam and MLM scheme that the utilities nfts create to nft retards

Even my grandma wouldn't consider this a utility. how did you live through the pandemic?

Why do you go to art galleries, you pay to see some old arts that has no value due to passage of time and still don't get to touch them and you don't take the art home. NFTs makes you have ownership over any Art you've minted

Jack Dorsey don't feel the way you do buddy. I'm sure you will be good. You probably have no Bitcoin too and you've survived through these years.

>Even my grandma wouldn't consider this a utility
Dyor. those are rewards for holding CGf more details on the website on utilities and CGF is a stake to earn project lazy fag

that's a really dumb way to discuss nfts.

you're definitely buying for hype, why act like you understand real utility.

people are not coerced to pay just to see arts at galleries. they consider the money being paid as proportional to the aesthetic value of these arts when they visit galleries.

fags who are interested in owning arts purchase them at auctions, or have them made by an artist.

do some readings on web3.0 to understand nfts.