BTC is fucked, give me some shitcoins

Have almost a full bean ready, gimme your best lowcaps so I can recover a bit

Attached: MV5BNmRkZWEwNmQtNmVjMy00ZmRmLTgyZDQtYjFiMTNmOTFhNmNlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzMzMjE5NjI@._V1_.jpg (1920x1080, 169.64K)

Resident Evil has unique tokenomics to prevent dumps
Catarm is gonna go to the millions but that is a high market cap already
That is for pure shitcoins. there is also Swamp King which is a legit project that is only 170k right now

Rules of Nature (MGS) token when
also just stock up on icp when it hits single digits

but no seriously, my top plays on BSC have been Resident Evil BSC and LelouchBSC, check them out Lelouch's dev will take the coin by himself to 1M+

I know those three are connected in some way but explain me why they are gonna moon

Smudge coin on BSC
CLIFF on Uniswap (all time low best entry possible)

>I know those three are connected in some way but explain me why they are gonna moon

I'm also curious about this


it's all over

>Smell Test (automated audit)33/100

Tezos, might be a Doga pump

Buy on Spookyswap

Rock bottom price for a privacy project on an important chain. Fantom.

Convoy on Uniswap

Buy GALA3S on Kucoin.

Abandon all hope, ye who buy now

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You better hold some FrogeX fren. Don’t miss the 2022 Shib

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Get FrogeX, launchig in the next 24 hours, get it before it blows into next galaxy.

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NWO it's not listed on CMC and team and community are based. More of a counter culture token than anything.

Attached: 1645057407641.gif (390x359, 403.11K)

The next Bitcoin.

Attached: bitcoin.png (1498x1250, 571.92K)

I would highly recommend you watch FrogeX which is the first of its kind eco defi. The community is awesome and growing fast… they’re pretty much in the middle of a shift to new contract as we speak and the new contract they have is CRAZY COOL and developed by the in house dev with a lot of innovation. I’m extremely impressed and fully expect this to 1000x

I forgot to mention, the token was already doing well before launch of this new contract… but you’re probably going to want to get in on it soon after the actual launch so I suggest joining the official telegram for FrogeX and getting in on this action