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what's this mean

account management is detached from dao, everyone can use whatever account system they want as long as permission are granted by upstream controllers

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that sounds good, right?

if by good you mean brutally being slashed all day everyday then yes

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oh i got no idea what it means. whats slashed?

m-means deposited funds (stake) are taken from someone as a punishment

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oh. what decides controlling permission?

c-control contract in the original picture. its like "dont like it dont use it" where popular dapps (or subtrees within them) will probably require more staking in order to manage everyone's visibility without exposing identities (considering the marketing value of high visibility spaces), whereas less popular dapps can do with less
means we can have the concept of "gateways" where some actors pay other's stake in exchange of portions of rewards they might earn from their contributions

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stakes can be withdrawn after some time usually

do i buy qredo now instead

this is going over my head, that part sounds positive but then you're saying getting slashed is bad? is there not a reason to have a function to punish bad actors?

arent they still doing early unlocks?


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dont actually think its bad as long as mods don't abuse their powers
moderation can also be controlled by the dao itself, with voting rounds for reported contents. but i dont like the idea of mobs slashing each others, since it could devolve into clans, or something like that. mods can be elected democratically still

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kevin said shouldn't matter at these prices

alright. thanks for the explanation

true, who knows what bitcoin is gonna do but it is pretty low at the moment

Can this be my wife?

your wacom

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