New Chinese flu variant

I can't take it anymore, I am selling before it is too late.
Good luck everyone, was nice knowing you.

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thank god
i want more variants
more lockdowns
more everything

wen sigma variant?

>I can't take it seriously anymore
fixed it for you. go outside.


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From the article
>"like Omicron, it appears to largely escape the immunity created by vaccines. A booster shot restores protection, making illness after infection about 74% less likely."
These kikes must pay. Explain how a vaccine is fucking useless but the same shot again makes it better? Fucking retards. I can't stand this shit. I am at my breaking point.

kek, you will need another BOOOOOOSTER

dont question it
just get boosted again, goy
the science is settled and you must trust it

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>lab studies

So, real life studies do NOT point to signs of severity?

Flu is actually devastating, luckily this is just the common cold, so nothing.

Average 80IQ US nigger

has any real world thing shown any sign of this thing being severe the last three fucking years? =or hell the last 10? 15? 20? this shit has been going on for a while. they finally got it after a few decades of pushing.

Me too, unironically

>I can't take it anymore
Me too,
I can't believe that people still get in this shit

giimme lockdown,gimme furlow, gimme sleeping all after, yes please.

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everytime the "find" a variant its supposed to be more severe than the last, everytime its the opposite

>Load the covid fud again

This gif keeps on giving

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I just had Omicron last week so I don't give a single fuck about Omicron 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Bullish, no more rate hikes.

there have always been plenty of new virus variants of e.g. the flu and other coronaviruses, always
it's jus that usually no one cared but now the media can make cash with this panic

I just want people to die.
then myself.

Fake and gay. If you had it you'd be DEAD. You trying to tell me you're a ghost???? OooooooOoooooooooOo