How are you preparing for the emerging of India, Brazil, Indonesia etc?

They are rising like China to come and overtake America. The west is too lazy, and too low population to remain on top. India will be number #2 after China by 2030. Financially speaking, how are you prepared for this?

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I will invest in rising companies in these countries and enjoy my pumps.

Superpower by 2020

>low iq shitskins will overtake whites

India, maybe. Indonesia is utterly doomed due to climate change and sea level rise. Brazil is Brazil, and I don’t have high expectations for them.

i mean yeah? the only real white countries left are eastern slavic shitholes.

Covid is china's attempt to delay india rising to superpower in 2020

Indians are at least as intelligent as white people you stupid racist they have improved the education a lot in the past years. It is why all of the technology is becoming outsourced to there. Plus they are much more hard working.

>low iq white barbarians will overtake persian and arabs

Imagine believing state propaganda about climate change

NGMI. Go buy some Link and Hodl to 0...

That thing isn't going to live long. Would be interesting if it lived long enough for us to study it though.

>low iq humans will overtake neanderthals

>sea level rise
Ah yes the dreaded sea level rise which never actually happens. I guarantee in 20 years you'll still be bleating on about it and the sea will be exactly the same fucking level. Climate change (used to be called global warming until everyone realised it wasn't warming) has always happened and is due to solar activity (something the IPCC refuses to examine). You've been duped into paying taxes on a harmless gas which we breath out and is actually plant food.

>some ppl born with 2 brains
>some in this thread with 0

he who overlooks ancient greece is a nigger

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Long $BRZU and $NU

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does Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF have exposure in India and Brazil?

India continues to innovate in ways I never thought were possible

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Their technology is unmatched, ancient Indians were some of the most advanced civilizations.

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It is a shame that the West overlooks one of the cradles of civilizations: India.

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windows 10 is a buggy piece of shit mostly because indians work at microsoft now
and those are the smartest indians. the top 1% who could make it to burgerland

I was very impressed when I learned that India has the biggest statues in the world.

Worldnewsdaily is a satire website. That kid just has hydrocephalis aka excess fluid in the skull