It's happening

Okay, fuck. Crypto is going to zero.

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US does another false flag, news at 11

So now Is turn for the west to do falseflags to gain support from the public?

Getting really tired of the Jews starting wars.

This has been going on for eight years. Explosions, skirmishes etc. Nobody in the West paid much attention.

This is not even a globally significant event.

You guys are fucking idiots Putin is going to invade the Ukraine and he needs a false flag to do it. Why would the West make a false flag for him? All he has to do is go "no thats an American false flag we're going home" if that was the case. He wont - because he wants war. Either you're paid anti-West Kremlin shills or your IQ is room temperature.

Why would Putin invade Ukraine? It's full of Ukrainians?

It is now because now Putin has it as an excuse to start a war he wants to start. It could happen every day but its only relevance now is its timing and that the whole world is paying attention because this jew tool Putin only has to decide if any given event is emotively appealing enough to give him a solid casus belli.

What if it is actually America blowing up buildings because they are war mongers who want to preserve their Petrol Dollar, otherwise no country would be forced to buy US dollars?

He considers them Ethnic Rus as part of a Greater Russia. He considers Ukraine to be a state which forms part of Russia's sphere of influence, and he is pissed off that its become Westernized following a CIA led (probably) coup in the country.

>kikes attacking themselves
The goyim did this.

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He thinks Ukraine is Russia

It's a meme you stupid fucking Cia bots. Why are you even up, it's 4am

So why wouldn't they just go to war there? it makes no sense why is Ukraine a threat to Us petrodollars? US are scum - I hope their empire dies too - but just look through your prejudice at the motives and facts here. Russia is invading Ukraine and is looking for an excuse to do so. Its that simple.

Don't bother
Nations that haven't been living next to Russia don't get it

>Why is Nordstrom a threat to the petrodollar
Gee wiz user, who knows.

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>It is now because now Putin has it as an excuse to start a war he wants to start.
The war already happened, in 2014-2015. There were casualties, blood, destruction, evacuation. People pretend it's starting when it already ended.

>Why would the West make a false flag for him?
a war "provoked by russia" would be the perfect distraction from the catastrophic mismanagement of covid. which was created by an american company (ecohealth alliance), protected by fauci. then the experimental goyshot with more ill effects among the youth than protection. then hyperinflation and insider trading
the system was already rotten and about to blow before covid (see bank overnight loans in late 2019). we are way past the point of collapse, we ran beyond the cliff and are moving our legs in the air like wile e coyote before gravity catches up. the bankers will NOT let the blame fall on banks. there needs to be a war, and if putin won't start one on his own you best believe the us govt will

Idk. Optics? Most of the EU gets all their natural gas out of Russia, and it is well known America has special interest groups in Ukraine.
The American establishment has been trying to seed a war with Russia for years now.
Make no mistake ; The only reason America cares about Ukraine is the US petrol dollar.

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why would putin invade ukraine when he knows that it will result in his shit getting pushed in?

Ukrainians are literally knockoff russkies

Back to Any Forums, faggot.

if Ukraine is under attack why are the cam whores still out in full force?

See I don't think that's true, like in the 30 years since the end of the Soviet union Ukrainians have literally done nothing with their country and if anything they've regressed.

I unironically believe that Ukrainians and Russians are genetically different, as in Ukrainians are probably some form of gypsy hybrid

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They still gotta pay the bills.
No one gives a shit about covid anymore its over all anyone wants to do is forget about it this just makes no sense.
not recent enough - he needs something between the US claims he was going to attack and today - in this short period of time to show that he wasn't pre-planning it.
If the EU - one of the US allies gets its gas from Ukraine why would the US want to turn off the tap? It makes no fucking sense!

>The American establishment has been trying to seed a war with Russia for years now.
The American establishment did nothing under Obama other than slap a bunch of sanctions. Russia grabbed Crimea and there was actual military action in Eastern Ukraine (compared to the present)

>If the EU - one of the US allies

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Do you have a source that isn't some literally who liberal tweeter?

Russkies just can’t stop themselves from getting into another Afghanistan, based Ukrainians and Azov are gonna give them a good spitroasting lmao

load ze russia FUD

>"The Hermitage Capital Management founder publicly accuses the Russians of fraud and collusion in unraveling his company's $4 billion investments"
No conflict there.
Fuck this clown.

>A NEW gas pipe? From WHERE?

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They did so well in 2014 right? Ukrainians will roll over and die

>Ukraine seethes at pro-russia separatists and constantly rallies the population to retake the land
>US and the West wants Ukraine to be a buffer zone between EU and Russia
>Russians want to remove any western influence from their borders even by force if needed
so who doesnt want a war exactly?

how's covid going in your country, ivan. you're #1 in covid cases in the world right now (and your numbers are probably faked downwards). i bet your state media isn't reporting a lot about that.

Russkies couldn’t even take Donetsk airport for so long lmao, cope

Retarded nigger don't talk like a russkibot or you'll get such responses.

uhm sweety, Ukraine has democracy in their side.

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Meds sergei

Speaking of spitroasting...

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>how's covid going in your country, ivan. you're #1 in covid cases in the world right now (and your numbers are probably faked downwards). i bet your state media isn't reporting a lot about that.

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