Did you DRS your GME...if you didn’t you will miss the MOASS

Get ready.

Anyone that did not DRS their shares will be settled by the DTCC as various brokers go tits up as they scramble to find shares.

GME that wasn’t DRSed will be settled for probably somewhere between 8-10,000/share.

Anyone who left it on E*TRADE, Webull, Robinhood, td, etc...you will miss the mother of all short squeezes because of this.

AMC will be left behind at this point.

The MOASS begins when the DRS #s become unavoidable. It will happen fast as the Short Hedge Funds that are still thinking they can save their ass, rush to cover as the end is imminent.

DRS your shares or miss out on the biggest transfer of wealth in human history.

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You are so fucking stupid it hurts, go back to your SuperShit cult please.

You’re either a lazy fuck that couldn’t handle making the phone call to your broker or you’re an AMC idiot who buys cheap shit and expects to get premium results. Nig tier behavior.

>GME that wasn’t DRSed will be settled for probably somewhere between 8-10,000/share.
Resolving all the FTD's from naked shorts if we are believe your delusions, baggot.

There’s also a $60 trillion insurance policy held by the DTCC to ensure blown shorts still pay.

It will happen. GME is literally about to change the way finance operates.

Shorting will be illegal after this.

Why would they pay you for shares if all the FTD's are resolved? With that high an IQ take no wonder you're still holding GME.

They are literally kicking the can down the road by buying mass quantities of out the money puts.

The FTDs have NOT been resolved. They’ve been manipulating the price this entire time. And once DRS locks the float, there will be no way to hide the fuckery.

GameStop is partnering with LoopRing to move their stock to a new exchange. GME shares will be tagged with NFT BLOCKCHAIN to prove naked shorts have counterfeited hundreds of millions of shares. Maybe more.

The financial system is broken and the poetic justice of the universe literally telling you the game stops with GameStop.

Reminder that computershare is a fucking scam.

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No you tard, if in your situation they force close all unDRS'd shares at whatever price there can't be anymore FTD's to resolve as you can only direct register an amount of shares equal to the shares outstanding.

Jesus you're dumb.

No it’s not you fuckin shill.

GameStop literally posted the number of shares DRSed via their q3 earnings report in 2021.

It’s the only way they could send the signal to their shareholders in this Jewed out financial system that the shareholders were doing the right thing.

We’re in the end game now. And your rabbi is going broke once we goyim drain all the scheckles from the system you evil fucks corrupted.

Need source on the pic friendo

Fuck off computershare shill, no one needs to pay 45 dollars just to mail a single piece of paper to anywhere in the world.

What you won't pay our scam fees? Enjoy waiting over 2 months. Oh by the way the pin you need to access your account? It expires in two months.

You don't want to pay for a piece of paper? How about paying 30 dollars for a aussie boomer to click the send email button?

Fuck off.

That’s what proves the entire charade has been fucked. There are hundreds of millions of synthetics that have been created. That’s what DRSing exposes. They still have to cover.

How have you not figured this out yet?

i drs'd 5000 shares.
i don't think it'll do much, but i think the idea of retail mass drs is interesting and want to see what happens

My wife. Total smoke.

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Christ, it's like trying to tell an ESL autistic retard. You didn't read what the fuck I wrote at all? This is who holds GME? I'm not the slightest bit surprised.

They’re going to force close un-DRSed shares because an authentic share of GME is going to be impossible to find.

Retail is locking up the float. DRS is probably right around 50% as we speak. Once it becomes apparent that the fuckery is unsustainable the rats will abandon ship quickly.

I don’t think you understand how FUBAR the American financial system is. The brokerages don’t even procure actual shares. They have IOU’s to procure shares. But once DRS makes finding the shares impossible, the brokerages will potentially expose how screwed over the american system got with all the shady shylocks at Cede & Co and the DTCC.

They’ll settle the non DRSed shares because the only way you can get a share is to have it earmarked by a GME NFT witb blockchain. It’s obvious that’s what is happening. How can you not understand this you fuckin moron?

>They’re going to force close un-DRSed shares because an authentic share of GME is going to be impossible to find.
Hypothetically, in a situation where that happens, that resolves the FTD. There's no more naked short to, delivery is resolved. So what is making them buy the DRS'd shares? Nothing, there's no FTD to resolve. At that point your GME share is whatever the free market will pay for it, and that's certainly not in the realm of $8-10K

Delete this picture off the internet she doesn't want her pics you secretly took of her to be posted for strangers to gawk at.

imagine being so retarded you chill amc and gme on Any Forums. If you invested in this YOU DESERVE TO BE POOR

The shorts they’ve synthetically created via short selling doesn’t mean there was a retail investor on the other side holding that share.

They have shorted hundreds of millions—possibly billions of shares.

There are theoretically 78 million shares of GameStop in existence.

Retail honestly owns 100-200 million shares. There are still hundreds of millions of shares that are going to need to be covered.

This is where your disconnect is.

You either are feigning ignorance or you’re really ignorant just the extent of the amount of fuckery going on here. Which is probably why you don’t understand why GME is going to MOASS.

You’re either naive. Or you’re playing stupid. One or the other.

What happens when all shares are DRSed

That's a man

The largest wealth transfer in human history.

GameStop is going to move their stock to a private exchange set up by their partnership with LoopRing. The shorts still have to cover. And short selling is made illegal.

An authentic share of GameStop becomes one of the most valuable things in human history.

How will it happen?