How do you maintain high energy/motivation for peak business and financial performance...

How do you maintain high energy/motivation for peak business and financial performance? I have found myself just wanting to stay in bed and masturbate and shitpost lately, it's not great

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A nice gf.

Just do that then. Any high motivation or performance for work is going to be extracted from you for a fraction of what your labor was worth.

you either have it or you don't. if you get the chance to hang out or work with people who are exttemely succesful, they are generally high T and have a lot of unresolved childhood trauma that they compulsively use work to compensate for.

Shit. I personally know a number of highly successful people who fit that precise description. There has to be an alternate route.

Rob them. They'll probably go on to fuck kids eventually anyway like all rich successful men.

I get burnt out a lot too. Did pretty well for 8 years now in my business but sometimes theres just unexplainable fatigue, maybe even depression. Most of it revolves around feeling not enough time exists in the day.

Idk how some guys i know have so much energy and motivation for work.

But there are a bunch of differences b/w us. Some people befriend others exclusively for business while i grew up in nightlife and have party friends. Just no time to party anymore

TRT. Not even trolling

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>he got the VAXX
You did this to yourself, my man.

caffeine cocaine weightlifting adderall and heavy metal

your labor is only worth as much as others are willing to pay you for it

Exactly, so use the least amount of effort to get the highest amount you can. If they want cheap labor, be cheap back.

that's true but being a lazy slob is not a good way to live. Aim higher, demand more

If your needs are met being a lazy slob, you're living better than someone making 6+ figures but ends up broke each month because of lifestyle creep always catching up.

Fix your diet and exercise and sleep well. You will spike your T levels and have the energy to conquer anything.

If you don't have trauma that you've parlayed into compulsive effort, then you will have to rely on high T and high responsiveness to motivating/habit-forming/eusocial neurotransmitters. It could be that you're unhealthy and don't produce those things in adequate amounts to be driven like you want, so I'd start by checking your health.

Also, consider why you feel that you should do something different than you do now. Is it just a vague sense that you should be like other people who you think are doing "better" than you? Is it a sense that your base experience would be "better" if you spent your time differently? People who are highly driven chase a feeling that comes with accomplishment and overcoming of challenges. Sure they want to improve or get the next goal, but when asked to reflect, they really just want to feel good, and putting in effort leads to them feeling good.

>I have found myself just wanting to stay in bed and masturbate and shitpost lately,
thats all i do these days. operating at peak performance for durations of years is tiring. I used to work out every day and eat extreme type of diet with fasting and meditation. it is how i pushed through the work and achieve my goals. I trained to be a professional gamer for years. always pushing myself to fight harder and get more chalenging wins. my efforts led me to moderate financial and professional success. wake up at 4am and fucking grind. its the only way to overcome that hump and get out of the 99%. beast mode. gets the wins.

Bros, how do i manifest the same motivation I get after a nice conversation or interaction with an attractive girl without the presence of any female?

have dinner with your sex doll robot.

walk a lot, if possible in nature
take vitamins, go to a drugstore tomorrow and ask an ampoule of vitamin D
have meaningful relations with people
try out a bunch of different shit until you stumble upon something you're really passionate about

Andy Sixx's logs. They're so nutritious and yummy. I always find myself feeling energised after I swallow them.

Could always work a shitty job and get some trauma that way. Then you'll be motivated to never work a shit job again.
It's hard for me because my job is too cushy desu