MASSIVE Bug Found in Coinbase Advanced Trading Platform

Surprised I haven't seen any threads on this

Tl;Dr some whitehat autist found a bug on superbowl saturday that allowed him to sell stuff on coinbase advanced trading as though he owned it, when he didn't. Eg. Selling 0.0234 Eth as 0.0234 BTC. He reported this to Coinbase immediately and got a 250k Bounty. He could've ended it all.

Attached: 20220219_145208.png (1183x83, 3.11K)

Or selling 50 SHIB as 50 BTC

Attached: 20220219_145347.png (628x772, 75.39K)

Not everyone is a degenerate evil fuck like you OP, hence "white hat".

Attached: 1645138450983.jpg (225x225, 4.61K)

Wtf dude I didn't say anything bad about this guy. Fuck you lol

should have crashed btc and pumped eth for shits and giggles

what discord is that?

"For a malicious user, a few attack vectors included:
-shorting on ftx/binance and flashing big limit sells (>100k btc) to make the market freak out.
-actually executing a constant selling pressure by using 50 SHIB to sell 50 BTC every minute.
-trying to withdraw the proceeds."

Not sure, it was just a screenshot from the Twitter thread

I call bullshit. He could have rekt the entire bitcoin and crypto market or made himself a billionaire

why didnt he do it?

you can go check urself

He already made it.

He got an on chain Bounty of 250k and provided tons of proof so, it did happen lol

Because someone this autistic/smart has probably already hacked a bunch of defi protocols and made off with millions of user money, no point spending the rest of your life running from the law after stealing from a centralized exchange (that logs your ip)

Because despite what retards here say, YOU ALWAYS NEED TO CASHOUT at the the end

>Bounty: $250,000

Wow "whitehat" autist to describe white privilege. Next you'll inform me that there's a term called "blackhat" to describe a bad hacker. People wonder why the good guys are trying to stamp out racism, it's literally everywhere perpetuated by white folks.

You retards its not about the money.

You could literally pull the biggest fuck you in history of mankind.

Even generations after you are dead, people will still remember you as the guy that fucked the world. You would be worse than hitler if you post troll images on twitter how you gonna fuck bitcoin and just rug bitcoin, eth en every cryptocurrency out of existance.

Hell a chance like that is worth dying for. Because you will die with the biggest smile on your face ever.

stop bait posting, nigger

Most people are just beta simps. He got on the phone with Coinbase as soon as he could like a good little goy.

what would happen to you if you literally would have done it?

could you pretend it was by accident?

obviously alot of billionairs all over the world are gonna send assasination teams after you

if not you would probably die in prison anyway

lmao what a cuck. should have sold the info to some russians for a couple mil

Or the man has a big stake in crypto and didn't want a Gox tier event.
Chaos isn't a turn on for everyone.

You're the retard for not being able to self insert.


>could you pretend it was by accident
Yes. It was just parameters in a HTTP request so you could for example do something that looked extremely normal for your account like attempting to sell X amount of SHIB but you coded the wrong market ID so it actually placed orders for BTC instead. This same bug has happened in equity and commodity markets and was dormant for almost a decade in both cases and when a bug materialized that activated the issue the client was not held accountable so it's extremely clean. The plausible deniability and legal defense of actually utilizing that bug were both in favor of anyone using it.

I wouldn't be surprised to see some huge bug being exploited in the next few months because Coinbase is renowned for having one of the best and most thorough security teams not just in crypto but in the entire world. If something this retarded got through their processes imagine what is available on a dogshit exchange like FTX or Binance. There are going to be a fucking ton of eyes on every exchange right now looking for holes.

>obviously alot of billionairs all over the world are gonna send assasination teams after you
This wouldn't happen, people would just blame Goybase, including all the media. Shorting COIN would actually have been an insane play considering the leverage you can get on it.

He is clearly a good goy and if you read all of his comments about the event he absolutely loves the good boy points he is getting from this. Typical western male with an inferiority complex who seeks validation from others. Just like you apparently.

i dont know how leverage trading works