Do I need to keep any L1 ETH after bridging to Arbitrum? Am I going to need it to bridge back?

Do I need to keep any L1 ETH after bridging to Arbitrum? Am I going to need it to bridge back?

Attached: 1644932088372.webm (480x480, 2.93M)

lmao, that green shirt guy's job is to just tap the cameraman on the shoulder.

... at an extremely specific time to catch the dance moves right on cue. Probably had to do 50+ takes.

dishonest cinema

answer the fucking question

he's also the director of the movie doing this crazy thing called directing.

I hate this video so fucking much is unreal

I hate actors and anything written by a room full of (((writers)))

that's cause you hate to see normal people having a good time and enjoying life. i sense a lot of hate and darkness in your message, however brief it is. i hope you get better.

Why not just bridge to a different EVM L1 instead? What’s tying you to boomer chain?

So true! So hateful. Chuds don’t recognize real authentic people authentically enjoying life because they are obviously incapable of seeing reality for what it is. You go girl!

>normal people
Stop watching so much TV, retard

And I hope you go back

>A list celebs making 50 million per year filming a movie
>”normal people”

You are a retard user

You think people don't dance and enjoy themselves?

People are fucking retarded.
Braindead creatures. No not enjoying themselves but being retarded as shit.
>Hurr dance dance alcohol hurr durr life so gud

>normal people having a good time
>He's referencing not just a literal movie but the actual behind-the-scenes FILMING of said movie
>even while watching it be filmed he cannot comprehend that what he sees upon the screen is not real
nigger what?

Being a bitter and cynical nigger on mongolian basket weaving forum is enjoying life?

Attached: 1623225897905.png (1000x1000, 509.18K)

female hands typed this

Because I don't trust Avalanche let alone Polygon.

what video is this?

r/PraiseTheCameraMan content there op

The notebook