Wait, is this true??

Attached: 1644875519872.jpg (1200x695, 258.38K)

Here we go again, another marketing threat for this shitcoin.

God I wish the internet was segregated. GTFO MY BOARD RAJEET

Attached: ytqeuaa470h81.jpg (1280x1920, 409.2K)

When something is aggressively shilled, it's shit.
When something is aggressively fudded, it's gold.

flags would literally save this board

So it's gold??

it's a pos alright

in lotr it is mentioned that 1/3 of dwarves are women but that you can't really tell them apart from the men because they have beards and similar body structure to the men. and basically dwarves don't really care about sex and gender and stuff they're just dwarves.

but i guess they never read the books or even googled it

How many L1 scams are you going to fomo in to???

remember yahoo? ask jeeves? msn? they're gone and only one survived - the king - google.

what makes you think all these shitchains are going to overthrow ETH? All you have to do is buy eth morons god why do i come to this board

Yahoo isnt gone..

What’s the shi and make it’s for this coin?

actually you know what, she does have a beard when i look closer. and she is built like a dwarf. but the outfit i don't know. she needs a helmet and a battle axe, she looks like she's trying to be feminine and dwarves don't have a feminine they're just all dwarves. which is fine for dwarves but retarded for humans since we humans have a higher degree of physical and mental difference between the two genders biologically.

From what I've seen, yes.

i don't even know if dwarves can tell each others gender at a glance, as a human i certainly shouldn't be able to. just hire all male actors for the dwarves, don't have any of them even trying to act like women, and leave the whole thing ambiguous and confusing. many of the humans of middle earth believed the dwarves had no women and grew out of the rocks is how impossible it was to tell the dwarf genders apart. and dwarves basically have no interest in sex either they just stick to their crafts and work.

Oh I'm sorry, it captures what maybe 3% of all search engine searches? I'm sure MTV will achieve that feat with tx's too. I'm betting on the king though - ETH

They shill this crap because they don't want you to buy Kadena. Ceo ditched, user team, Price tanking. I could go on and on but I won't.

Yeah although finality feels pretty shit, about 6-7 seconds for tx's to be confirmed.

>iS tHiS tRuE?
fucking retard

for all we know gimli was a woman

wow cool chart, but i noticed that avax, icp, sol, and algo were missing.. any particular reason why?

i mean might have been. point is we don't know. probably all dwarves refer to each other as he/him.

Unironically the best sharding coin of them all, hold a 500k stack myself.
Yeah, that way we could just ignore all the indian flags or any nigger countries.

i'm not bothered by a black elf. but i am confused as to why we need black elves. why would a different species have the same races humans do? why not a race of purple elves. why even caucasion elves why not make them totally albino white and not caucasion skin tone, and with facial features not shared by any particular human race hire south koreans to play the elves because a lot of them have unnatural plastic surgery faces. where did the asian elves come from the same place asian humans came from how does that work.

ok the races of middle earth were created not evolved from the environment. so thats why they have all the same races, it was an aesthetic choice of their gods. i guess that would explain it so nevermind i've got the head canon to make sense of it now. i still cant headcannon dwarves that look like human women though that doesnt make sense based on the books. maybe the black female dwarf is a hideous mutation or half human or something

It's true user, MTV is PoS (piece of shit)