Apologize now

apologize now.

Attached: Burry.jpg (1200x630, 90.12K)

No. For what? No fuck no.

>Spends entire career predicting disaster
>Was right exactly once

This guy needs to get his cock slurped

For what?

Everything bubble is popping before your eyes.

Price target = 0...........FOR EVERYTHING!

ok, retard.

I predict the world will end in a gazillion years, pay me I am right.

i'll pay you with my fist you snarky bastard!

Seems like someone paid Burry that way too, judging from his eye

If everything pops that would mean fiat goes up. Why would fiat go up? How can everything at once pop? Something has to go up in value if everything else drops

what for?
he has maybe recuperated 10% of the 9-figure loss in other peoples money he "accomplished" in 2021.

Yes, the reserve currency of the future will be Pokémon trading cards

Commodities, munition, most real estate

i want to gouge that other eye

that's assault and you will be reported to the jannies if you try anything funny

Also Burry should go back to posting in the comments on Zerohedge


your new is showing
mr. Burry was very successful before & after the big dump

newfags getting exposed hard af itt

No. People that call it early are wrong. Simple as that. It's like if I said "btc will reach 200k" and say it dumps to 20k and THEN goes to 200k, then I would be wrong. By your shit logic, I'd be "right". By your shit logic, almost everyone is ALWAYS right because "at one point in time their prediction came true". Idiotic. OP is low IQ

Attached: F9956227-7359-4BB7-B402-B6FEDE1114D0.jpg (1242x1240, 713.64K)

no u(jew)