Is the squeeze still on?

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bankruptcy is gamestops only future

More than ever

Unironically yes. Ignore the /GME/ threads on here, they're full of r*edditors, shills and financially illiterate retards.

Are you sure? I still have 10 shares for shit and giggles but holy shit the g*e tards here are fucking r*ddit fags who should all go fucking back. All of them are avatarfags and even proud of it, absolutely disgusting even ICP and LINK schizoids seem rational in comparison.

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Yeah, the general thread has been a shitshow for a while now. The r*edditors have completely taken over the threads with their bullshit, driving away any 4channers. The bull case for GME is still strong though, actually looking better than ever right now. We will probably get an NFT marketplace announcement and/or launch in the next couple of weeks. Loads of different bullish news/events are lining up nicely right now.

Ok I hope so I can't wait to see all the r*ddit fags gone and for this shit show to be over. Also what is your estimate for the price? My guess is around 500-1000 per share if we get a squeeze.

It's impossible to say at this point, any attempt at guessing the potential top if we get a squeeze is like trying to predict the lottery numbers. Pure guess work. My advice would be to never sell all your shares. When you sell (if there is a squeeze), keep a handfull of shares in case the price goes up a lot after that. And I agree about looking forward to the day the r*edditors in that thread are gone from here. Absoulte retards. They even managed to make their own downvote on Any Forums and nobody in the thread is calling them out on it. That's how fresh of the boat newfag r*edditor the majority in those threads are.

yes nigger

lmao. retard numbers. mathematically impossible to end up that low

Right. It’s more like a million per share which is precisely why it will never happened. Fucking faggot redditors. Wall st isn’t going to let you soi cucks win.

you're like almost a year too late.


short answer long: yes

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Look at that stupid nigger shill. They did a stock offering last year and collected over 1 billion dollars.
They can never go broke anymore. I know your employing hedge fund doesn't like it, but that's how it is.

They will if they are trying to crash the dollar and create chaos

A 5x-10x isn't even unreasonable on fundamentals alone if the NFT ecosystem is accepted an thriving.GME only has a marketcap of 10 billions right now.
If a squeeze happens nobody could estimate the effect precisely, but for comparison, VW was the most valuable company on the planet during its squeeze, and that squeeze got artificially canceled by Porsche.
The SEC itself said the initial run was caused by retail alone, so a $500 squeeze top is way too low imo.

I’ll buy a few shares when I get some more money. I already have one that I bought at $98 but idk what’s gonna happen at this point but I guess it’s better than wasting money gambling in shitcoins

Of course not

Where can I look more into this? If this is true, I’m selling $1000 of ETH and getting 8 gme shares

Unironically reddit r/superstonk
They have some good DD compilations.